Max T 🇦🇺🦘 🏳️‍🌈

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Max T 🇦🇺🦘 🏳️‍🌈

intermediate amateur artist. Aspiring webcomic creator (unfortunately for me). Sorry if i’m awkward
After a billion years The #heroforge creation of my OC has FINALLY arrived... #miniatures
Your work computer is not a second personal device. WE CAN SEE WHAT YOU ARE DOING. If you wouldn’t want your partner to see what ungodly sites you’ve been on you might want to think about work as well.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
These people constantly revealing they know jack all about art 😆 #antiai #fuckai
“artists don’t understand it’s a tOoL” name me a specific use case then motherfucker, name me ONE cause I garuntee it boils down to “oh AI can tell when you’re nearly out of milk and remind you to get more” level of “innovation” #antiai
Once had a family member drunkenly mew at me “you’ve forgotten your roots!!” why? cause My politics lean left. Which was interesting on so many levels: upset that I don’t vote in accordance with the identity they deemed the “important one” the rural center right who just hates those inner city 1/
Reskeet something green from your gallery with no comment
Reskeet something green from your gallery with no comment
reminds me of this: someone who suddenly couldn’t “create” anymore and gave up in a huff cause they were powerless to actually do anything about it
Quote with a picture that you took of water
Quote with a picture that you took of water
Experimenting with layering the paint marker pics traditional animation style (now the question is am I solving problems or just introducing complexity…)
The tech industry is the pastor in a tent revival and the media and everyone else are chanting and lining up to be “healed”: “ChatGPT has cured this man’s blindness! Praise AI!”
This like every other tech balloon that's gone up in the past five years; they want to bloat these start-ups with big, impressive adoption numbers, offload them on Meta or Alphabet, then cash out in the billions and retire at 35.
Being a creator in the post algorithm social media age requires making at least some kind of deal with the Devil/s
Especially when, for normies, Webtoon is synonymous with webcomic anyway, at this point. Heck I've even heard people be like "Webcomic… oh you mean like webtoon?" Might as well mirror there at this point. Normies couldn't type a self-hosted URL into their browsers if their lives depended on it.
If there’s any case to be made for AI as art it’s when you unintentionally hit upon something interesting that’s both absurd yet gives you insight into how un-human it is: nothing to do with a human artist. The prompter is just invoking what the machine “created”
the only time AI gen js good js when it comes up wjth unintentionally absurd shit. Which is not how it’s being used in most cases
Love how if you’re poor and on some kind of benefit then your time is considered worthless so it is acceptable to force you to do pointless busywork “just cause”
My new Goal is to only do my daily doom scrolling and existential dread on company time
if anything I would imagine a professional artist is hired in some part b/c of their efficiency and turn around time so the company hiring keyboard mashers isnt going to appreciate you taking longer on your image (when they hired you to SAVE time)
Artists make bad arguments all the time but AI prompters seem very insecure about their “craft” they come up with arbitrary criteria to justify it…if I get the result I want in 3 minutes how is 3 hour prompt session more skillfull?
….OP is a journalist…posting on their topic of interest. (a topic i’m sure they’ve done plenty of research on) I’m not quite sure how you interpreted that as a call to action…to you…specifically…to be mad at apple…🤔
It’s weird that I used to absolutely love “Ahhh Real Monsters” as a kid but could not tell u the plot of a single episode, angry beavers, rockos modern life hey arnold and cat dog yes but not ARM, no idea why
Ive been thinking a lot about the beloved Aussie kids show “Round The Twist” and if they did a reboot and made Linda (one of the main chars) exactly the same everyone would be losing their damn minds over “RTT has gone WOKE!!” forgetting she was into the environment and stuff from ep 1
it's nice knowing you live in a time where if they did the samus gender reveal scene in metroid today there would be dozens of hideous op-eds about it
The interesting thing i found about HP at the time was it’s very clear that most non wizard beings are oppressed and yet this is barely examined and the focus is more on the danger to the main characters…which in retrospect is very interesting…oppressed groups being “dangerous”
Harry Potter is one of those things where I don’t care how important it was or is to you sentimentally or whatever. I insist you find another fucking thing. There are so many things. Other things. Better things. Literally anything.
What is the value of AI art? is it the specificity and detail of the prompt? is it the time it took to get the desired results? early on prompters would point to the time it took to overcome the limitations of the model as a justification of the craft, but now the models have far fewer limitations 1
I feel weird about posting an AI image here (even if I've openly said I was experimenting with it) but I prompted one that was (unintentionally) completely and utterly absurd and I kind of love it...and this is the sad thing is we do AI "art" a disservice when we used it to imitate generic slop
So nice to be drawing again 😌 (testing out a new process)
Got a call out at 5:30am cause somone put a dodgey USB in a computer and now i’m too tired to do anything but also can’t sleep 🙃
legit tho what do they actually mean when they say people who take ADHD meds might get addicted to them? are we all not addicted in some way or another to meds?
Legit, the more I use AI Image generation the less and less I believe in the concept of an "AI Artist" this what you fuckers were doing the whole time? is this is it? I feel more creative writing SQL queries than this shit.
I've added a leftenant to my growing set of space opera characters