
Once had a family member drunkenly mew at me “you’ve forgotten your roots!!” why? cause My politics lean left. Which was interesting on so many levels: upset that I don’t vote in accordance with the identity they deemed the “important one” the rural center right who just hates those inner city 1/
2/ lefties. Which is funny. I have very little to complain about and my privilege insulates me from the wider world but I am at the end of the day part of a marginalised group (across a couple of intersections I guess) which makes you see the world in a certain way
3/ The opposition leader is a fashy ghoul who has forever been trying to import the culture wars from the US, it does not occur to them in the slightest I may not want to vote for somone who hates LGBT folks because that’s a frivolous concern I guess.
4/ When election time rolls around they’ll vote for him and i’m not even mad because I can’t fault people for voting in their self interest. (or what they think their self interest is)
5/ I am very tired about hearing the word woke and knowing who they’re talking about, my memory is not that short that I don’t remember existing in a place/time hostile to LGBT people and what that does to a persons psyche, I am just very tired.
6/ A facebook meme from when gay marriage was made legal in aus showing the politicians (one of which our foreign minister a Gay WOC) draped in rainbow flag with the caption “something something why are we focusing in this when the farmers are doing it tough” cause rights are frivolous I guess