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SAHDx2, sober, vet, NE sports, fan of Nazis being punched, AZ--->ND

[bridged from @[email protected] by Bridgy Fed]
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
If the shooting was “not related to the RNC,” why would cops from Columbus, Ohio be involved in the first place? Also, pretty on the nose for cops from a red state to come to a blue city and kill a homeless black guy on the second night of the RNC.
Milwaukee man dead after being shot by 5 Ohio police officers near The man killed by Ohio officers near the RNC on Tuesday was well-known in the neighborhood, several witnesses told the Journal Sentinel.
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
The authoritarians like Vance and Hawley, claiming to be true believers in antitrust reform are lying to you. They have no coherent theory of antitrust. They just want to punish companies they believe are too "woke" and antitrust gives them a hammer.
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
Trump just named as his #2 a guy who called for insurrection charges against a journalist for writing an op-ed & wants to censor academics and seize the assets of nonprofits he opposes. The "free speech" brigades haven't said a goddamn thing. And their benefactor just pledged $150m to elect him.
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
Here’s the letter to which Radley alludes demanding investigation of a journalist for an op-ed. Trump never had much of a mask, if any, but a Vance pick is a mask-off moment, in the sense that it’s saying “you’re goddamned right we want fascism.”
Trump’s VP pick … — demanded the DOJ open a criminal investigation of a journalist for “insurrection” over an op-ed critical of Trump — spouted replacement theory garbage — called for criminal prosecutions of other Trump critics — blamed Biden for Trump shooting — called for Biden’s prosecution
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
What they're promising is the maximalist worst case form of what folks think it might be. Vance confirms it rather than enhancing it as such, but it's the same package If elected, their admin will be terrible, violent, and antithetical to the system of government US folks have had in living memory
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
/6 Also, just as law is not a deus ex machina to save us from electoral problems, elections don't permanently fix problems. If Biden wins — and I sure hope he does — the wolf is still at the door.
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
/4 This is not a call for despair or surrender. The country has been through terrible things. Fight with the means appropriate to the occasion, work to protect and defend people weaker than you, and agitate, agitate, agitate. Never let them be totalitarian without being called out as totalitarian.
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
The number of people Trump says he'll deport keeps going up. It's now 20 million, 50% higher than the largest estimates of the undocumented population. It's clear sign that distinguishing legal from illegal won't be a priority. They're just going to round up people they don't want to be here.
University president decreed all programs must fit inside a box, the nursing professors said they couldn't meet the proper requirements in such a box. The president said "too bad." The faculty said "Uno Reverse Mother Fucker" in their best Sam Jackson voice. Shout out to the DSU Nursing […]
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Are you crying for #CoreyComperatore? I'm not. He sure as hell wouldn't have empathy for you.
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
Checkmate #BenShapiro doubters, it looks like Aquaman actually does buy property. #Hbomberguy
"Sure the climate is in collapse, capitalism has reached its inevitable, destructive zenith paving way to the fascist end to globalism, but pretending the human population is a sphere in a vacuum we are confident it'll continue to grow for the next 60 years" #FixedItForYou World population […]
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Incase anyone is wondering how it's going over on #Tiktok 🤦🏽‍♂️ Every major social media is pro-Nazi. Every damn time. Literal Nazi: "We should murder trans folk." Normal human: "You deserve to be punched." Social media: "Punching is violence, normal human is banned."
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
The Olympic uniforms for the USA perfectly capture the range of attitudes in our nation. It’s half yes, we love Talledega Nights but also? We love those jerks at the yacht club who foreclose on an orphanage so they can bulldoze it to put up a parking lot.
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
Concerns mount as to whether the 173-year old New York Times is too old to continue in its role as the nation’s newspaper of record.
Jewish dude murders someone. A person anywhere on the left: "Murder is wrong!" Right wing media: "Fire the anti-semite!" Weaponized antisemitism accusations coming from people who literally march with Nazis is insane. Well no that's not insane, the insane bit is that it fucking works. 3 […]
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Got my new shirt in the mail. 🏳️‍⚧️
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
My guess is that Trump knows very little about P25 *and* it will be the blueprint for his administration. He’s famously bored by policy. He’ll appoint these people because they’re loyal. They’ll then go to work on the plan while he grifts, golfs, and gives two-hour speeches at rallies.
Trump: I don't know anything about Project 2025 Here is a list of all the Trump officials who authored the Project 2025 blueprint, Mandate for Leadership. 25 of 36 were part of the Trump administration.
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
New York Times, July 5, 2025: “Biden’s Stumbles And Gaffes During His Criticism of President Trump’s Internment Camps Vindicate Age Concerns”
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
We must not only resist, but prevail. If we do not, it will be nearly impossible to reverse the course that America’s right-wing billionaires have set us on. Trump's Far-Right Army Is Threatening Bloodshed. Believe Them. […]
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I've experienced 120+ plenty. I can't imagine 130+ 🥵 Death Valley will hit 130 degrees and could break world record amid blistering heat wave
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
Trump can make the thugs willing to do his bidding immune to federal prosecution. Not to bullets, though.
I don't understand this point. Trump can just pardon them.
We've sacrificed our dinner table for the weekend so we can put together a puzzle. So yeah, I guess you could say we like to party. #Puzzle
Dear next #AaronBushnell: don't go alone next time. *stares directly into the camera as long as it takes for the implication to hit*
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
/2. For instance, conservatives intuit and discover a right for the executive to break the law and flaunt the very Constitution they rely upon with impunity. And liberals intuit and discover the right to privacy and bodily autonomy.
Reposted byAvatar Beeks
/7 Justice Roberts smug and superior dismissal of the dissents’ concerns seems to come to us via time warp from some time that never knew Trump. The danger of lawlessness he poses are manifest — he and his followers brag of them. Only a liar or fool would dismiss them.
I just saw that you can pre-order the $70 #Diablo4 expansion already, despite the initial game itself being dogshit. Who in TF is going to buy that? I hope #Blizzard loses millions on it.