
Frustrating to see calls for Biden to step down being reframed as “it’s just the media class.” Are pundits and news execs seizing on this moment to get clicks and flex their idea of power? Yes. But they’re also seizing on it because a lot of different kinds of folks think Biden should retire.
Biden was saying in 2020 that "I'm gonna be a one term president and I wont run again cause I'll be 82 in 2024"
Iirc wasn't it people associated with his campaign that said that, and he simply didn't comment on it, leaving the impression that he would retire?
No comment in this context is a loud comment.
Yeah, I recall people being very frustrated that it was treated as him accepting that he would be a one term president, but it was very clear that if that was what he meant he would've said it. It felt very slimy.
It was obvious at the time that the one term president situation was both to defray concerns of Biden's age and infirmity (which was obvious even in '16) and to imply they had a handle, strategically, on how to move the Party forward. It was simply to defeat Bernie and stymie reform after '16.
We stopped talking about healthcare and economic justice real quick
Voting Rights? Never heard of they.