
I don’t know if I have specifically achieved anything else than finding international climate professionals for deep discussions about mitigation policies. We don’t have that IRL where I live so I’m very happy. Sorry about the random fishing content.
The very worst thing about social media, including this site and the Bad Site and every other site, is the illusion that by posting on it you’re accomplishing anything.
This can be replicated across so many fields! It’s why the deliberate destruction of academic Twitter is such a loss. Social media broke insularity and connected researchers.
It used to be very good in 2015 - 2020. I learned more in there about the climate than at university, got a job and then when I moved to the country side for sufficiency, journalists contacted me for stories.
It was going downhill already in 2022, I think. Changed to Mastodon but it wasn’t my scene. Bluesky seems legit for now.
Yep. Mastodon didn’t work out for me. I just wish more colleagues would come here. Time to encourage them again. And my Latin American network is still entirely on Twitter.
Mastodon was alright for sharing more personal difficult stuff and supporting others, but it was so far on the Left on everything that talking about climate issues felt like preaching a bubble, not even a crowd
Microblogging sites are not the best for activism, more for expert discussion at least for my topics
That too! Media could find us. So much came from going on social media.