
Running a why-I-don’t-vote take when you know your readership is mostly liberal is an explicitly political act.
For every opinion piece the NYT runs they reject 100+. The odds are even worse for becoming a contributor or columnist. Using that real estate for poorly reasoned crap, especially anti-democratic crap that doesn’t withstand basic journalistic scrutiny, is an active choice.
On the bright side bad election takes offer a nice break from directly attacking health care access for trans kids.
Today seems like a good day to walk away from an abusive relationship. Happy Independence Day, metalheads.
It's weird, because my dad, an alt-leftist who watches pro Russian YouTube propaganda all day, told my sister yesterday that he's not going to vote.
In fact many NYT editors would recognize it as a disinformation technique! Many would call it voter suppression, though I tend to reserve that term for actively preventing someone from voting.
Almost every crackpot thing out of his mouth comes from some Greek guy with a pro Russian channel, so when he said this, I assumed that's where it came from.