
I feel like this should go without saying but the only sane & responsible vote is November is the one that prevents Trump from taking office & finishing off American democracy. Unless something extremely surprising happens, that choice will be Joe Biden. And in any event it will be the D nominee.
That’s cool, and i agree, but its very clear they are going to lose now. It would be more productive to start organizing to resist mass murder. Get ready to host refugees in your house if you live in a blue state, arm up, and fortify your house against the inevitable day of the death squads.
Also, I hate to say this, but given that neither side has any way of dealing with the climate disaster, which is on top of us right this minute, we should all get ready to be refugees. 4 feet of water might be on you lawn tomorrow, or a train full of chemicals might explode, and nothing will be done
Acting as if our huge gains in climate action under the Biden administration never even happened is part of the problem here. We can't reverse matters but we can mitigate them a hell of a lot.
They didn’t manage to reach their targets and their targets were themselves insufficient. Dying 5% slower is not a winning campaign pitch, they needed to have a vision of rapid transition away from fossil fuels and they have failed to even articulate that.
Running down what has been accomplished is a great way to keep further progress from happening. What the hell is wrong with "Yay! More of this, please!"?
Cheerleading a path that leads to my death seems like some sort of suicidal ideation, honestly. I’m not sure that i can explain to you in a way that you will fully grasp that many people will choose the quicker death, given a choice between two inevitable paths to death.