
#dunnettcentral #dunnett Finished N. So let me get this straight: Hero 1 (LC): behaves like a sociopath because he is trying to hide his wounded gooey center. Hero 2 (N): gooey, sweet exterior, may be a sociopath. Why couldn’t I have joined a fun cult with drugs and dancing and feasts?
#dunnettcentral Come on! What‘s drugs and dancing and feasts compared with reading #dunnett?
FINE I have the second one. Now I need fluff, as usual, then I will re-engage with the maybe revanchist sociopath who’s all sweet and cuddly until he subtly arranges for your ruin and death.
Heh. Keep in mind that he’s still young. Like most young men under the age of 25, his brain isn’t fully formed. A lot of people who love the Lymond Series don’t like the Niccolo series. Lymond is my favorite but I really think DD did a good job with a different but equally complicated character.
I am also enjoying it greatly. I don’t think he’s a sociopath - yet - and his victims were altogether deserving, but there’s a lot of collateral damage (in this case potential AND actual) when you move people around a board like this.
Also if you haven’t, the Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley is a good read - steampunk fantasy, M/M romance, and definitely coming to mind.
I’m not into steampunk. But thanks.
Ok then spoilers and why I mentioned it … Spoilers for Watchmaker of Filigree street . . . . . . . . One of the characters can see the future and sets up random circumstances that result in what he wants often years and years in advance. Sows grass beneath a tree to stop a horse there years later
Claes’ problem is he can’t see the future so the seeds he sows had results he could forsee and some he couldn’t. It’s the ones he can’t forsee that are his problem. Or, alternatively, some results could be forseeable but he was so wrapped up in a plan that he didn’t take the care to forsee them.
Borges Lottery in Babylon!
Jaak’s wife - however, I do NOT think that a well-cast cannon blows up if immersed. True, I am not a 15th c munitions expert, but cannon take a beating routinely.
Simplistic, but not entirely implausible 😉 Hey, Archie has a few drugs, and Onophrion had opium to spare, and there plenty feasts at the French court and Vorobiovo for us to re-enact. Admittedly there's not often dancing at DDS meetings - too many worn out knees walking the Royal Mile!
Ok, but we are not enjoying the opium (which, to be fair, is probably for the best) and I think I wanted a lighthearted cult, maybe with fewer literary wicker men. But this is the cult I got, so here I am, with too many thoughts banging around in my poor head.
LC sitting in the dunes being a dick to RC because - prophecy.
I will make everyone hate me because then it will all feel coherent because I hate myself! Yes! A plan!
And then maybe finally someone will kill me! And they won’t mourn me because I am awful!