
Unless Biden comes out strongly in favor of Court reform, nothing he has to say on this ruling has any relevance whatsoever. It's time to grow a spine and take leadership on this issue.
Biden Campaign Brushes Off Idea of Reforming the Supreme Biden surrogates brushed off questions about reining in the court, while emphasizing the gravity of a second Trump term.
Court reform isn’t the highest on list of issues that GOTV I hope they are just prioritizing and it will move to top of the list of urgent tasks after victory in November We really have to harden the guardrails
They aren't even fucking campaigning on it. And top Dems get all fidgety and nervous when asked about it. Mention it to Dick Durbin and watch him squirm.
I’m a boiling vat of rage rn I’m trying to stay calm and think straight The top dog Dems’ “respect for institutions and decorum” is not serving us well at the moment
You’re not alone re rage. There’s only one answer: victory in November. Failing that we’ll have a court endorsed tyranny and literally no one will be safe because he can couch all crimes against us as official act not subject to review or prosecution by any court. This is a sad day, but be angry😡