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Islander ~Environmentalist ~Multigeek™ ~Bibliophile ~Cat lady ~Yalie and friendly neighborhood polemist 🦊

New England, sweet New England.

Pronounce: ábɪj / ˈæb.i
Abigail for short.
The argument that campaign-finance laws will punish any nominee other than the incumbent is an embarrassingly weak one for Biden’s campaign team to be making. As is the argument that some states won't allow anyone but Biden on the ballot at this point. Neither is true.
There’s Only One Reason Biden Won’t Drop Outwww.theatlantic.com His campaign’s rationalizations for the status quo don’t add up.
Biden has decided to stay in the race. This is a huge gamble and one I personally think is deeply irresponsible. Let's say he does ok over the next couple of months and then, in October, has another age-related episode akin to his debate performance or worse. There will be no coming back from that.
The Biden Scenario That Terrifies Big Democrat Donors and Candidateswww.thedailybeast.com A big Dem donor says he worries that just before the election, Biden gets sick. “Or stumbles and falls. Or freezes up like Mitch McConnell. There will be no coming back from that.”
We're all living inside a shitty Netflix show and we've reached the foreshadowing part. Spoiler: The season finale sucks.
If Biden loses in November, those who predicted his victory will blame those who predicted his defeat.
Reposted byAvatar 🌸Abbey🌸
The right is always allowed, if not outright encouraged, to be violent. From the left, they demand endless politeness & patience.
Heckler was right. Clipping from The Times, Thursday September 06 2018
Major Democratic donors are now planning to go bigger on contributions to House and Senate candidates in a bid to build a Capitol Hill firewall around a second Trump term that they view as increasingly likely, Axios has learned.
Scoop: Donors eye Senate, House to hedge against a Biden losswww.axios.com Donors are preparing to shift money toward congressional races as they wait for fuller polling on how damaging President Biden's debate performance was.
Neal Katyal, Former Solicitor General under Obama, now Georgetown Law Professor. Describes himself as an "extremist centrist". Wrote this 👇 Why Liberals Should Back Neil Gorsuch
Opinion | Why Liberals Should Back Neil Gorsuch (Published 2017)www.nytimes.com We disagree on many things, but he has the right temperament and independence for the Supreme Court.
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"The Court’s curious and convoluted majority opinion turns the Constitution’s text and structure inside out and upside down, saying things that are flatly contradicted by the document’s unambiguous letter and obvious spirit.​"
Something Has Gone Deeply Wrong at the Supreme Courtwww.theatlantic.com Jurists who preach fidelity to the Constitution are making decisions that flatly contradict our founding document’s text and ideals.
Get ready for another Trump presidency, because there's no one at the fucking helm over at the Biden camp. This must be the single most incompetently run campaign in my lifetime and given what's at stake, it's unforgivable.
Biden Campaign Brushes Off Idea of Reforming the Supreme Courtwww.rollingstone.com Biden surrogates brushed off questions about reining in the court, while emphasizing the gravity of a second Trump term.
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This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
"The parallels between last week’s Supreme Court decision and Germany’s Enabling Acts — which were similarly ratified by the German Supreme Court right after Hitler took power in March, 1933 — are startling." By @thomhartmann.bsky.social
The Next Step is to End All Prosecutions of Trumpopen.substack.com In other words, Clarence Thomas says Jack Smith should go back to the Hague and prosecute European war criminals, because American war criminals and fascists are now officially immune...
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Who needs to expand the Supreme Court if you can just legally create your own vacancies
Justice Clarence Thomas tackled a question in his presidential immunity opinion Monday that Donald Trump’s attorneys didn’t bring before the nation’s highest court: Was special counsel Jack Smith legally appointed?
Thomas uses Trump immunity ruling to question Jack Smith appointmentwww.washingtonpost.com Echoing a long-shot argument made by Donald Trump’s attorneys in Florida, Justice Clarence Thomas said special counsels need Senate confirmation.
“This is a sad day for America and a sad day for our democracy,” said Chuck Schumer, the Democratic Senate majority leader. Thank you, Senator! This is the kind of reassuring, strong and forceful response I expect to one of the worst SCOTUS rulings in US history! What a firebrand! What a warrior!
Predictably Democrats are making the Supreme Court’s immunity ruling all about defeating Trump. It's an election year after all. But this ruling doesn't magically go away after Trump is gone. Democrats aren't going to win every future election. We need more than election talk, we need a solution.
Republicans hail Trump immunity ruling as Democrats warn ‘we will not have a democracy’www.theguardian.com Chuck Schumer says ruling will undermine supreme court’s credibility and calls it ‘a sad day for our democracy’
What name will Trump take as the first American emperor?
Here's Bob Bauer, one of Biden's top advisors and the guy in charge of prepping Biden for his debate with Trump. This is emblematic of the kinds of Democrats who run the party
Unless Biden comes out strongly in favor of Court reform, nothing he has to say on this ruling has any relevance whatsoever. It's time to grow a spine and take leadership on this issue.
Biden Campaign Brushes Off Idea of Reforming the Supreme Courtwww.rollingstone.com Biden surrogates brushed off questions about reining in the court, while emphasizing the gravity of a second Trump term.
The Supreme Court proved today that it is the greatest enemy of America, hands down. These six Republican operatives who have now perverted the Court beyond repair should be marched out of the Supreme Court Building in tar and feathers. They have torn the Constitution to shreds.
Mere hours after the Supreme Court sharply curbed the power of federal agencies, conservatives and corporate lobbyists began plotting how to harness the favorable ruling in a redoubled quest to whittle down climate, finance, health, labor and technology regulations in Washington.
Corporate lobbyists eye new lawsuits after Supreme Court limits federal powerwww.washingtonpost.com Powerful opponents of federal regulation — in climate, finance, health, labor and technology — are already planning how to use the ruling for their advantage.
I'm becoming a 2024 election doomer. I think we're fucked.
Many, if not most, Americans pay zero attention to SCOTUS decisions and what they mean. Placing court reform front and center in their political agenda and media strategy (if they have any) would give Democrats a platform to educate voters on this issue, and it's inexplicable to me why they don't.
The Supreme Court Upends the Separation of Powersnewrepublic.com Killing off Chevron deference, the court moves power to the judicial branch, portending chaos.