Abolish Prisons

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Abolish Prisons


Free them all
My view of abolition is that abolishing prisons is not feasible without also abolishing capitalism. This means confronting our class enemies in a way that might make liberal or academic abolitionists uncomfortable. Slumlords are the footsoldiers of capitalism, and as such they are the enemy.
“Is it abolitionist to celebrate a landlord getting punched in the face in prison?” Look, I dream of a world without prisons or landlords, but if the prisons go first, I dream I get to be the one to punch my landlord and then watch him be trained in boiler repair so he can fix shit (rehabilitation!)
“The tension between the urgent need to secure reforms to enable the captives’ immediate survival as human beings and the equally urgent project of abolishing broader systems of oppression is a central contradiction of the prison movement and the broader Black liberation struggle” - Orisanmi Burton
why are young people unhappy? why don't they socialize more? why are kids always on their phones? why don't they go outside? exhibit 2345543:
Multiple ways you can give mutual Aid to JLS towards any of the ongoing projects & help to keep this inside org strong. Solidarity! 👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿 Mutual Aid - directly towards the inside people led Prisoners Human Rights/Jailhouse Lawyers networks/projects by cash app $ arebelsworld Venmo @ arebelsworld
Dhoruba Bin Wahad Is a true revolutionary elder. Please consider donating
"Dhoruba is a legendary Black Panther Party leader, former political prisoner for nineteen years, and Co-Founder of the Black Liberation Army. At 79 years of age, facing debilitating and potentially fatal medical challenges" please give what you can and SHARE
Support Dhoruba Bin Wahad!, organized by Agyei Tyehimbawww.gofundme.com Greetings, my name is Agyei Tyehimba. I am an educator, author, and community organizer from… Agyei Tyehimba needs your support for Support Dhoruba Bin Wahad!
"Dhoruba is a legendary Black Panther Party leader, former political prisoner for nineteen years, and Co-Founder of the Black Liberation Army. At 79 years of age, facing debilitating and potentially fatal medical challenges" please give what you can and SHARE
Support Dhoruba Bin Wahad!, organized by Agyei Tyehimbawww.gofundme.com Greetings, my name is Agyei Tyehimba. I am an educator, author, and community organizer from… Agyei Tyehimba needs your support for Support Dhoruba Bin Wahad!
As pro-police factions pressure Gov. Walz to take away Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty powers, Minneapolis community groups & leaders are rallying in support of Moriarty who was elected in 2022 after her campaign focused on police accountability. Full story: unicornriot.ninja/2024/communi...
Community Calls on Minnesota Governor and AG to 'Stay Out of Hennepin County Prosecutions' - UNICORN RIOTunicornriot.ninja Pro-police state reps and associations are pressuring Minnesota's governor to take powers away from prosecutors charging a State Trooper with murder.
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