Wagatwe Wanjuki

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Wagatwe Wanjuki


antirape activist turned theorist and educator. I make and analyze media. proud bunny mama. she/hers
they need to invent beaming à la Star trek
Me: the transporter is a suicide machine, I will never use it. Also me: omg fuck this airport, fuck this plane, fuck this no leg room ... beam me the fuck up Scotty
The first person who was killed for the cause of US independence was Black and Indigenous.
Crispus Attucks was Black and Indigenous. This country was literally founded on the blood of Black and Native people. We built this shit.
Crispus Attucks (U.S. National Park Service)www.nps.gov
they need to invent beaming à la Star trek
this plane is already an hour behind schedule and my layover is only 3 hours. I hate flying, man.
this plane is already an hour behind schedule and my layover is only 3 hours. I hate flying, man.
The Northwestern lawsuit is an example of the White gaze in action: “White gaze is the operational norm of White space wherein Black people are scrutinized through the lens of Whiteness, resulting in their exclusion, subordination, and objectification.” www.reuters.com/legal/legali...
Northwestern law school sued for discrimination against white men in faculty hiringwww.reuters.com A conservative group on Tuesday sued Northwestern University, claiming its law school discriminates against white men in faculty hiring and in the selection of articles that appear in its flagship law review.
omg I forgot my ear plugs and can't find my ear buds and there are two screaming kids behind me
doing my part to keep the tech bad at identifying Black people lol
really appreciate that it was easy to opt out of TSA facial recognition for ID verification
really appreciate that it was easy to opt out of TSA facial recognition for ID verification
did not finish in an hour but I did finish lol
telling myself I have to finish packing in an hour lmao
There is no training issue with police. They just blame training when they hurt or kill someone and so that's what is written up and people just believe it because it sounds plausible. But it presumes cops never intentionally harm people. Which is a deadly assumption.
i really am going to be logged off for the holiday but i would like to drop off a parting thought: publishing a monarchist anti-voting take on the fourth of july is the strongest possible indication of someone's core, true values
guess they have to update the citizen test now
They are pretty moving (having participated myself as an immigrant ) And every one of them were tested on the question “is anyone above the rule of law in America”
"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
telling myself I have to finish packing in an hour lmao
Somehow perfectly balanced at the point where she's of sound enough mind to be responsible for children and navigate consent about sex and kink with a power imbalance, but not quite sound enough to be a reliable witness to her own experiences
good morning my community, A word of advice. You may be struggling with your feelings of shock with the Neil Gaiman allegations. Now is the time to process that conflict silently, in your own heart—not on the timeline where other survivors have to watch you struggle to believe. Okay.
"too mentally ill to believe" is such a common criterion for someone being targeted for abuse and sexual assault that to my mind, it makes the allegations more credible, not less. If a man insinuates a woman is "crazy," it's a good bet he did something to her.
I know where the “Say No To Doomerism!” is coming from, but I want folks to make sure they aren’t slipping into some toxic positivity remix. Shock and sadness are among the reasonable responses to the situations we face. And those feelings can exist with others, it’s not always either/or… 1/
the whole "false memory" phenomenon was popularized to discredit victims of child sexual abuse so I'm very wary of anyone who brings it up to call an abuse victim a liar
it's also wild because the argument is that she's fit enough to take care of his kid, but not to be believed about sexual assault??? like????
wow it's almost like sexual assault effects peoples' mental health and ability to advocate for themselves (me a normal person who doesn't hate women) Neil: All women are cr@zy, and these survivors+ my ex wife are who's wrong. Mental Illness is good if its a cis-male writers but for women ew.
Dear @wagatwe.com, I apologize if it bothers you that I tagged you and I won't do it again, but I noticed you liked the above comment and I wanted you to know that I credit and thank you specifically for my education here. And I recommend anyone seeing this follow you. And here are some bunnies.
BOOK NEWS!!! Bristol University Press are currently doing a 50% off sale (until 14th July 2024) So you can order a personal copy of my book at 50% off! Use code SUM50 at check out. The paperback comes to just £13.50. Hurry, while stocks last! bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/decolonisati...
Decolonisation and Legal Knowledgebristoluniversitypress.co.uk Decolonisation and Legal Knowledge - Reflections on Power and Possibility; The law is heavily implicated in creating, maintaining, and reproducing racialised hierarchies which bring about and preserve...
We have learned so much about how viruses transmit over the past four years & yet none of the passive yet effective measures (better ventilation, HEPA filtration) have been adopted as new standards. An opportunity to future proof our buildings & workplaces let slip away. www.rte.ie/news/2024/07...
Covid rates were a third higher in deprived areas - ESRIwww.rte.ie A new report has found that Covid-19 infection rates were more than a third higher in the most deprived areas of Ireland, relative to more affluent areas.