
Should we bully off of here for doing an interview on Bannon’s War Room?
ah shit, looks like yes.
congrats to everyone who believed his dramatic exit story from the intercept and paid for his dumbass substack
Yeah I posted this after I saw Karl’s original post
I hadn't heard. NGL I had a few minutes where I was like "did he go on there friendly, as a paid left punching bag, or to share an important viewpoint that those folks never hear". But let's be real, that third possibility is rare and not necessarily even worth it.
The type of people who watch these shows are never interested in hearing anything anyone on “the left” says on the show, unless it’s a “how I left the left” story
I like to pretend sometimes that hearing a conflicting point of view would change minds because they start to question what they've been told, at least a little bit, but at this point we know enough about cults to throw that out for most of those viewers. That sucks. 😔