
Americans have a real problem with older people and the concept of aging. The culture is rife with ageism. It’s going to official bite us in the ass if we don’t address it. Wow.
This isn’t ageism. I’m sorry about your mother, I truly am, but she isn’t currently enabling a genocide, enabling police brutality, destroying lives of immigrants, worsening the climate, perpetuating wealth inequality, and doing nothing to care for the elderly and poor in her care. That’s Biden.
I'm voting for Biden so Trump doesn't win. Women deserve choice. Equality for women and lgbtqi and minority. Experts are important and should be listened to, osha, EPA, dept of education should have experts at the helm, not people who want to dismantle them. NATO is important, Ukraine must win.
I dont disagree with your aims but Biden’s had 4 years to do anything at all about all of those and if anything, he’s lost ground. What are 4 more years going to do? Keeping Trump out, ok, but doing nothing while our lives get worse just strengthens the case of the next Republican, right?
At this point it's about beating Trump. Third party would be grand, but realistically they wouldn't stand a chance against Biden or Trump. Democracy is too important to vote third party this time
This is the same thing they’re going to say about every election from here on out. At this point Trump isn’t the big bad boogeyman to me- it’s decades more of fascism vs the comically inept, in every election. That’s going to get us all killed.
Check out lawdork's analysis of trump's project 2025 and you'll see why it's imperative to vote for Biden. Lawdork is Chris geidner here, I think
I’m not voting for Biden. Project 2025 isn’t Trump, its heritage foundation and the Dems are using it as a boogeyman to strong arm us into voting for their best interests, again. Idc if you vote for Biden just don’t blindly fall for propaganda
31 of 34 authors of project 2025 were in the trump admin. So yeah, it's a trump thing. A dystopian trump thing
Ok let’s look at it a different way. Let’s say project 2025 is everything the democrats say it is. That’s a pretty clear cut fascist manifesto, life or death, right? So why won’t they compromise at all? Offer to gut the dnc? Change the nominee? Whatever it takes? No, *we* must bend to them.