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Splatoon & Pokémon VGC Player
This story is so insanely good, and you can read it at the $3 tier!! Serious content warnings involved, but such a powerful story that I cannot recommend enough. I've read this page at least 5 times already, I can't get enough of it.
KIMMY Wearing an android suit for Halloween is a fun thing to do with absolutely no downsides. PART NINE is up now for all patrons! www.patreon.com/posts/107906... Read from the start: www.patreon.com/collection/5...
Kimmy | Collection from Alyson Greaves | 9 posts | Patreonwww.patreon.com Get more from Alyson Greaves on Patreon
Just a Bouba girl living in a Kiki world 😔
Peach and Zelda both getting their first games this year, girls are truly winning 😌
reskeet with the trans-iest thing you did pre transitition Obsessively trim my patches of body hair, sometimes with old scissors, until the point where I had too much and gave up. It took me another 10 years to figure it out 🙃
reskeet with the trans-iest thing you did pre transitition just, like, constantly and reasonably casually wearing my girl friends’ clothes (also fixating on a beautiful fairy character as a child, writing magical sex change books as a child, crying when I was made to wear board shorts as a child…)
She left the house today please tell her good job
I cannot emphasize how much better bluesky blocks are compared to twitter. I go on twitter for 10 mins to check something and see something that pisses me off every time, then immediately click on the quotes cause I have no self control. I'm sure blueskys relative size helps too, but still
For the competitive splatoon feed: no idea what all the options in making feeds are, but it'd be nice to add posts from top players automatically, or add a greater list of applicable words for known players. No clue what that process is like, just throwing that out there 😊
New sword looks kinda insane to me: quick charge time, charge/tap combo, far dash, wide hitbox, whats the downside?? No ledge peaking and a little less range?? Kits look solid too, especially if the main is busted. #compsplatoon
Watching this episode as a child woke up a lot of Things inside me 🫣 I didn't understand any of them at the time, but I did become obsessed with Sabrina, to the point of building a themed Sabrina trainer deck
Pokemon - Season 1 Episode 24 - Haunter Versus Kadabra Frame 675/2341 Caption: Now I'm going to turn all of you into dolls. Timestamp: 00:06:45
If you like supporting trans creators and you want to read some excellent stories about transfem identity and transition, Alyson is one of the best authors to support!!
Reminder that you can help me pay bills and rent, clear debts, buy food and hormones and basically exist by supporting me on Patreon! $3 gets you chapters of The Sisters of Dorley two weeks early, and $5 gets you Show Girl, Cheerleader, and more! www.patreon.com/alysongreaves
Get more from Alyson Greaves on Patreonwww.patreon.com creating transgender fiction
Reposted byAvatar Emmy
This Passover, my thoughts are consumed by the millions of people suffering genocidal attacks. Gaza of course, but also Congo, Sudan, and more I'm sure. Next year I hope they are all free
Touched grass today, went out to a murder mystery party and met two fun lesbians 😌 making friends as an adult by going to events, who knew this was possible????
Reposted byAvatar Emmy
If we want to take bans seriously as a community, we need the ability to implement banlists on SendouQ. Let people consistently play a ruleset for a few months and decide if they like it more. This is what community run Pokémon formats do, and is probably the best solution.
Reposted byAvatar Emmy
My biggest issue with bans rn are just that it doesn't matter for practice. Im gonna fight 2x zooka 95% of the time I get on the game anyway.
404 Gender Not Found
When I'm asked this question I usually don't answer or say "you didn't believe me when I told you in the books so why should I bother" but here goes: Murderbot has never used he/him or she/her pronouns. When required to list a gender it has used "indeterminate" and "not applicable."
After 4 phone calls and 3 emails, I'm finally done. I'm out as trans to everyone relevant at my work! I'm actually so exhausted, but very relieved 😌
Not to horny post on main buuuut 🫣 Cuddles + kisses after estrogenated orgasm >>>>>>> everything. Every nerve in your body is electrified 😖😖😖
Reposted byAvatar Emmy
Decolonization is also decolonizing hearts and minds. You will not counter-death camp your way to liberation. Break swords.
Going through security audit protocols at work, for some reason, the auditers are asking for testing of database creation. What tests?? Is the database there, yes or no???
You gotta play a lotta ranked matches to grind all the way to S rank, but it's worth it to be a top level wife 😤
wives are basically S-rank girlfriends
Curls: defined Nails: painted Face: soft Titties: slightly visible Another day boymoding at the office ✌️ Coming out 🔜👀
Me when I spend an hour trying to mathematically optimize 3 subs on my gear build (any of the choices would have been fine)
I've got one more painbrush thread I need to do so I can get the ideas out of my head and sleep at night! My biggest fear about the new kit, more than viability or synergy, was that I wouldn't find it fun. But after playing it in 2 tournaments and a week of soloq, I can say that fear was wrong!
While I know any high level player could pick this weapon up and be better than me immediately, I genuinely think I might be in the top 10-50 dedicated players of this weapon! 1k soloq wins in 6 months, and as far as I know the only player to win tournament sets with it (all low level) 😊
Filling out my painbrush nouveau apology form: ✔️ I underestimated the power of location ✔️ I didn't think about the plays missiles can setup ✔️ I crutched too hard on curling for movement, the roll is good ✔️ I thought it couldn't pull off aggro support
Initial npainbrush thoughts! My early disappointment at the kit has faded a bit, and playing it some in soloq has given me a basic feel. The bad: The kit competes with a LOT of other weapons. The vkit might be a lil weak, but the playstyle and toolkit is unique. This kit is also more vulnerable.
I'm pretty excited for this new stamper kit! I like mist on rapid pro a lot as a way to attack backline positions, and I think stamper can do something similar! Some good synergy with the slower projectile speed, and crab tank of course is good. Solid addition to the aggro/mobile midline anchors?
I honestly do not know how to feel about sensor missile on painbrush 🤔 on the one hand with missile I'm sure it is going to be playable, but I was really hoping for a more aggressive kit. Curling is great to push in quick, but not the best tool for fighting. I was looking forward to marker 🫣