bitdizzy is absent

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bitdizzy is absent

God’s favorite daughter (derogatory)
On Election Day in the East London borough of Tower Hamlets, where nearly 40 percent of the population described themselves as Muslim in the 2021 census, a campaign truck across from a Whitechapel polling station repeatedly blared a recording saying, “Voting for Labour is voting for genocide.”
Labour Loses Votes in Muslim Areas Over Its Gaza Many British Muslims and other voters have demanded that party leaders more vocally condemn the rising death toll and deepening humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
jester’s privilege (psychosis)
you guys wouldn’t have had to try to social-murder a homeless trans woman for imagined crimes like “agreeing with me” if you hadn’t been so busily working to prove everything i’ve said about you accurate — at least enough that she noticed and felt it necessary to say anything
you: [flirting] me: [my internal fire suppression system is triggered, covering my every interior surface with thick gray foam] lol "cool"
"all of my trans women coworkers are nice and love me, ur just bad trannies" they're super nice to u because they actually have no other choice. they know if there's a dispute between u and them, they will lose. u cannot actually be this stupid
neil gaiman isn't reading your posts, but all the women who have been in coercive relationships, all the assault victims, all the rape victims on this website are.
you all have agreed that the harry potter lady is a cunt while having 20 years of refusal to forget inane harry potter trivia and calling yourselves "hufflepuffs" on dating sites or whatever bullshit. this is not hard. you're telling on yourselves and what you think of sexual assault victims.
Kamala Harris’s mom is a wise woman i wish her daughter didn’t think i should be raped in prison
actually they’re giving Biden downers
My personal feeling is that in cases of sexual assault "I'm going to wait to see what else develops" is a fine, but if you loudly announce that what you're seeing is inadequate and not enough and should not be believed by anyone, that's not waiting to see what else develops.
neil gaiman is a walking whisper network timebomb so she’s a moot point anyways
Abused women know that they exist.
Please consider donating a little to help Sahar and her little son. If not, like and share!
This is how our children's lives have become: without education, without play, without children's rights.. help us
I want to add one more thing. My 20-year-old students, the moment I tell them they need to do something they anxiously go, “Oh no, oh no, you’re right, omg. Of course, totally. Totally!” And that’s me, a random adjunct teaching one of their classes, not a world famous writer who’s their boss.
this is what happens when u have a culture that encourages its people to base their entire ideology, identity, and worth on what kind of media they consume btw
executions should be done with one of those pistols that shoots out a flag that says “bang” but you have to change your name and start a new life, never contacting anyone you ever loved ever again
Just about the time I got on this website I saw Neil gaiman adoration all over the place and while I do like some of his stories I also know that he supported the effort to destroy the internet archive so I called him a fucking cunt. Amen.
> be me > samsara > be me > samsara > be m—
Out of curiosity I checked up on reddit to see what they're saying about today's revelation, and someone linked to this comment from 10 months ago on a post about nicknames given to authors.
Hunter Biden has done more for women than any author voicing doubt to get the heat off Gaiman
Risking being wrong in the right way is part of being right. This is called politics. Get in the Party, Luthor
Activism? No, this is a personal vendetta. We are chasing writers off this website because frankly Bluesky is a dating app and I'm not saying all of yall are rapists but I am saying yall are all covering for one and yeah we can prevent real life abuse if we keep authors away from real life women.
When you scream names at someone over the internet, does that feel like activism to you? A few of you seem to be riding awfully high on a sense of moral justice that's based purely on attacking a bystander. Kinda weird
i am not doing activism you fool i am waging righteous posting war
Imagine you get what you think is going to be a nice stable grown-up job and then finding out you’re selling rape insurance.
grooming industrial complex in shambles
i wouldn't leave neil gaiman alone in a room with my 20 year old sister. would you?
the majority of people who say they’re atheists actually *are* moral nihilists but this is true also of theists