Aabra C. Mastodon, PDX Stereotype

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Aabra C. Mastodon, PDX Stereotype


Portland, Oregon. Obscure cinema. Indie comics. Anxiety disorder. There will be cooking pics …
Organizers got enough signatures to put a measure protecting abortion on the ballot in Arkansas. In *Arkansas*. They had *no national support*. Ignore the pundits melting down over not being treated as Very Special Boys. Dobbs has fundamentally changed elections. Everything they know is wrong.
Arkansas abortion rights groups collect enough signatures to advance ballot measurewww.nbcnews.com A measure to enshrine abortion rights in the ruby red state’s constitution is now one step closer to making the November ballot — but major obstacles remain.
Day #1262 Those Cynical Squirrels Lefty asks Righty that age old question. Or is it that old age question? By the way, Trump, 78, is right now as old as Biden was when he took office in 2021.
Gimme "weird but true" family lore, wholesome/happy edition. Example: Oakland grandaddy loved horse betting. When his two little girls tagged along (this was the '50s), my aunt would pick winners based on how "pretty" their gear/horse was. He *cleaned up* on her tips.
You read "Paved Over Paradise", or are baffled by out-migration "donut" cities, or got cut off on a walk by a stroad and wondered, "Wuh happen?" Watch the evil, EVIL 1954 Jam Handy GM short that inspired the pro-parking parody game Car City Capital. Then we revolt youtu.be/ltrxz0foAI8?...
Give Yourself the Green Light (1954)youtu.be Advocacy film produced to garner public support for the creation of the Interstate Highway System.
It's hot, Portland. You ain't gonna sleep. If you're not riding to Soccer Church (GO THORNS), why not a double feature of insanity: "Hundreds of Beavers" at Clinton 7 pm THEN at 9:30 after all the kiddies in bed: "Action USA" at Cinemagic! tickets.thecinemagictheater.com/movie/action...
Sci-fi July at Clinton Street Theater starts tomorrow, Portland cult film fam. "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", "Solaris", "Ex Machina", "Repo Man", "Donnie Darko", "Fantastic Planet", "Hackers"!!!! cstpdx.com
Clinton Street Theatercstpdx.com A landmark of Portland history, the Clinton Street Theater is one of the oldest operating movie houses and event spaces in the United States.
Nothing makes me more patriotic than a bunch of PhDs holding a Fourth of July parade in motherfucking Antartica 🫡🇺🇸 www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJYz...
4th of July Parade in Antarctica - 2016www.youtube.com YouTube video by Fall off the Map
happy holidays to all who celebrate
Write that thing. Make it weird. Make it sad. Make it funny or kinky or scary or whatever you want. Write what makes you happy.
Did my part today, urbanism Bsky, e-biking to get groceries on nearly-empty streets ('guess suburban Portlanders fled ahead of the heat wave?)
WFMU station manager Ken Freeman's July 4th show is *tits*. Kids in the Hall, Alice Cooper, Prince, Pussy Riot, King Missile, the worst AI Joe Biden you'll ever hear... wfmu.org/playlists/sh...
Today's Programme: Donde Esta El Cuatro De Julio?: Ken's showwfmu.org Audio & playlist from July 3, 2024
A Mattie Lubchansky drawing of text alerts on a dusty, broken iPhone in a rifled-through garage like "James Carville here from our Wailea hideout. Trump's third term is unprecedented, but with your contribution of bitcoin, rifles, or grain to my Victory Fund..."
If you fear you're in a liberal bubble, listen to local community radio. Also: Cuba?!?
Fellow spectrum babies: Is your fav part of pattern recognition aka Cassandra curse: you see it (For me: Great Recession, major plot point in HP7, Charlie Rose's ick), tell everyone, "Nah man", you take action, it goes down, then they yell "Why didn't you say something??" Cuz I *love* that
Alice Frazier once said Australia is like a cool car and no PM is worthy of "driving it". Along those lines, America is a broken down truck some dude never got to work for him but he's sure it'll run great. His racist uncle keeps banging on it, assuring him he knows all about engines. 1/2
We saw "Jewel Robbery" (1932) in a pre-code series and are now smitten with Kay Francis, once the highest paid Hollywood actress, who later in life simply wished to be forgotten
I'm only ~ 1% Asian, ~1% African, but when I hear the phrase "She'd be the first Black Asian-American woman president"...
If I were a prez who just found out I'm basically above the law, I'd be auditing, naming, and freezing assets of Heritage Foundation's dark money donors like a power pelleted Pacman gobbling ghosts
These are bonkers numbers. I really hope the Legislature can come back with a new process, and a ton more funding to meet this super-high demand next year. People want better ways to get around! Ebikes are such a low-cost way to provide mobility options to so many!
Whenever a white man says "Trump will win and America will be fine" he means white men will be fine #tmyk