
It's been interesting to see the consensus on this site harden in realtime around the idea that not only is sticking with Biden the obvious correct choice for Dems no matter what other facts might emerge, but that anyone who suggests otherwise is either dishonest, an idiot or a handmaiden of fascism
I think it depends on your timeline. I lean slightly Biden stay because I think there are a lot of replacement hurdles that have little to do with the candidate (Biden or anyone else.) But so far there’s only one guy confidently yelling at me that no one wants that because Gaza
(And I oppose Biden’s position on Gaza but think it’s better than Trump’s, which is basically, what’s wrong with genocide? All the best people did a genocide!)
The amount of rage I received a couple weeks ago for this sentiment... I know it's hard to look at the horrors in Gaza and think "could be worse!" but it could be and I believe it would be.
I mean some people didn’t listen to what Trump said in the last term about Gaza. I did and also worked for Jared Kushner when I was at the NYO and he was still a putative Democrat. They were completely aligned with Bibi, which is unsurprising because Netanyahu is friends with the Kushners
He literally stayed in Jared’s bedroom when he visited them in NJ. If you want to know what Trump would do, it’s whatever Bibi already wants to do
Yes! Like could be PERMANENT until no Palestinians are left and meanwhile Joe is desperately trying to get everyone agree to a good ceasefire agreement. But sure, exactly the some. I think it's like the OG skeet says: too many people too certain of things they have no business being certain about.