
My wife's uncle is one of the kindest, most selfless people I know and is probably a Trump supporter. I've spent a lot of time trying to reconcile that in my mind.
Aside from the spaces we physically share, he experiences a completely separate informational reality when it comes to politics and social systems.
I have an aunt that believes the Earth is flat. Also a very sweet lady. But debating her, I realized how my knowledge that the Earth is round actually depends on a ton of context that doesn't actually live in my brain.
My perspective that the Earth is round is actually a belief, not a logical conclusion I have deduced, myself. I believe it because I trust in my education.
For a lot of people, the chain of trust is broken, leaving them susceptible to alternative facts. Entire cottage industries exist to exploit this.
💯In 2011, I was at a banquet of business leaders at Blenheim Palace. Kofi Annan was the after dinner speaker (I was only there because I was working for him) and the topic was trust: he had an urgent warning that its collapse would mean chaos. The audience yawned through the entire presentation.
Damn 😕 I'm also reminded of Twilight of the Elites by, which turned me on to the dangers of loss of trust in institutions, which was well underway by that time.
Really appreciate you sharing this insight. It has big implications and needs to be thought about seriously and delicately.