
Democrats spent the hours following the first presidential debate dodging questions about President Biden’s fitness to lead the party and struggling to unify around a message about Biden's performance.
Democrats struggle to respond to Biden debate Democrats spent the hours following the first presidential debate dodging questions about President Biden’s fitness to lead the party and struggling to unify around a message about Biden's performance...
Hes got a stutter. So fucking what. He stammers sometimes. So fucking what. He mixes words up and quickly corrects himself. so fucking what. He had a plan, his responses were understandable, his plan didn't sound like ass. Trump had word salad, dog whistles, attacks, lies, and boasts.
No this wasn't a stammer and a stutter. This was a blank stare and a corpse level of energy in his words. It was elder abuse.
incredibly bad faith bullshit in this tweet
Yup right wing talking points meant to discredit the mans ability to do the job and I see people on the left who absolutely fucking despise and fear Trump repeating them now, and it needs to fucking stop. Hate him for policies, hate him for his actions, but dude ain't got dementia.