
Democrats spent the hours following the first presidential debate dodging questions about President Biden’s fitness to lead the party and struggling to unify around a message about Biden's performance.
Democrats struggle to respond to Biden debate Democrats spent the hours following the first presidential debate dodging questions about President Biden’s fitness to lead the party and struggling to unify around a message about Biden's performance...
i am so intensely sick of this grossly irresponsible framing
NPR is so disappointing now. I really thought more of them.
They've really lost the plot recently. Today NPR has been leaping over themselves to handwave away all the lies and gibberish Trump said and focus on a handle of negative moments for Biden. Totally irresponsible.
I remember about 5 years ago Steve Inskeep pushing back really hard on how easy NPR was on Trump. It rings really hollow now.
Inskeep is a particularly egregious "both sides" offender these days. Easily my least favorite NPR journalist. I love my local NPR affiliate (WBUR) but the national political coverage is trash.
He’s the Jake Tapper of NPR. I expect more and yet am disappointed frequently. Both good people I think? But they try to balance the Manson Family with the Brady Bunch.
Fuck NPR. They've become as bad as the Gray Lady about this stuff.
How about: "President Biden isn't a rapist & didn't kill Roe vs. Wade"
Their job is to report a developing story, not write ad copy for the Biden campaign.
People are really in denial of how serious this is, huh?
Oh yeah, Biden is a mess, boy do I wish they had put forth a better candidate, and yet he is still somehow not as bad as the geriatric fascist who can't go two words without spewing hate and lies. I'll take asleep at the wheel over someone intentionally trying to run me over. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Yeah, I wasn't saying Biden in office is worse than Trump in office. More like Biden on the campaign trail is worse than Trump on the campaign trail, so there's a huge risk that's going to lose him the election!
Yeah, sadly, his voters are more than pleased with his unhinged, nonsensical rants. Still, I do think the press should spend less time ignoring it.
you know words have meaning right? just because a lot of people believe dumb conspiracy theories doesnt make them true
Or the fact that the president alone does not lead a country and we saw what kind of horror Trump appoints...
He stills support a genocide by pure love and devotion to right-wing government of Israel. His friend Bibi is coming soon to humiliate him further. Can't wait!
Hes got a stutter. So fucking what. He stammers sometimes. So fucking what. He mixes words up and quickly corrects himself. so fucking what. He had a plan, his responses were understandable, his plan didn't sound like ass. Trump had word salad, dog whistles, attacks, lies, and boasts.
No this wasn't a stammer and a stutter. This was a blank stare and a corpse level of energy in his words. It was elder abuse.
Dude looks down when hes not talking, so fucking what. Anyone at his age would be fucking exhausted. We all saw how fast that job aged Obama. He went in looking fresh and came out 8 years later grey as fuck and a beard shy of looking like a wizard. Whatever Joe has to do to keep composure let him
"Anyone at his age" Yeah that's the problem.
Yeah and were stuck between a rock and a hard place here. I'm 100% in the camp of people that old 8 or 9 out of 10 times should not be politicians, they should be out living their lives as regular people. BUT we vote for Joe, or we risk Trump 2: The Sequel. I hate it, but I wanna survive it.
incredibly bad faith bullshit in this tweet
Yup right wing talking points meant to discredit the mans ability to do the job and I see people on the left who absolutely fucking despise and fear Trump repeating them now, and it needs to fucking stop. Hate him for policies, hate him for his actions, but dude ain't got dementia.
Yeah no one is believing that "he has a stutter" lie anymore. We can go watch videos of him speaking 10 years ago we have the internet.
Hes had one since childhood, shits well documented. Don't throw your vote away and invoke the shite goblin again.
Someone please explain to me how the entire DNC apparatus didn't resign in shame after losing to the most laughable presidential candidate, in 2016. It's their fault that we are here, and have a chance of losing the entire concept of the free world.
Still voting Dem in 2024, just saying... but how is it even this close?
Sometimes when I'm wearing my tinfoil hat, I imagine that GOP operatives must have penetrated the highest levels of the DNC, because it is very hard to believe that anyone could be this incompetent. Then I remember...
Will Rogers "I am not a member of any organized political..." - Will Rogers quotes from
Stop, just stop. We have an authoritarian regime trying to take over. All media hands should be on deck, but because of your billionaire donors & multi-millionaire board members, you are both-sidesing democracy into oblivion. Do you forget how 45 was after you? I am so tired of media having no guts.
I'll STILL take the lovable old coot over the venomous raging fascist old coot. #StillBiden24 His backup plan is still better than any MAGA choice. And I am NOT a Kamala Harris fan, being a San Franciscan....
And what did Republicans "spend the hours following the debate" doing?
Just a note that this kind of stuff is why I don't listen to NPR anymore.
"nice polite Republicans" He is far more fit for his job than you are for yours
So many can only condemn old. But truth is, when Joe speaks, and unlike many others, I still feel like he's carrying this nation on his shoulders. Not many folks cut from this stone! He's got my vote.
Donald Trump is a fraud, a thief, a liar, a rapist, a pedophile, a fascist, and a disease spreader.
No. No we're not. Everyone in my social feeds is #StillRidinWithBiden . We're not going to vote for a narcissistic wannabe dictator nor have we forgotten about Project 2025 and what it would mean for the country.
Reason 1023 to vote for Biden even if he's in a coma: Trumps take on Gaza is that Israel should "finish the job".
At least he didn’t lie through the entire debate
You know the GOP is still going to call you communists and try to throw Nina Totenberg in jail, you don't have to do this to appeal to them
I must have missed that. I saw a big ole pile on. He’s old. Trump’s a fascist. Next?
By the way, where's your coverage of the lies Trump spewed, or the fact he didn't answer any debate questions?? The only policy ideas he has are those of the authors of project 2025. Also, look up Gish Gallop . It works on journalists too, apparently.
Please, continue to confuse the weak minded who go with the flow.. Instead of pointing out that a vote for President Biden is a vote for his qualified, effective administration as well. Keep playing and we'll get trump again, just like when he ran against Clinton. 😠
I don’t care about his performance. I will never vote for that other dude. Never ever. The end.
It's nearly impossible to spin what we all saw with our own eyes.
It's elder abuse at this point. The man is clearly suffering from severe cognitive impairment, likely dementia. He needs to be in a memory care unit. 👍