
Pretty sure that the main reason Joe Biden will be the nominee is because the rich old white people that control virtually everything won’t be very open to the opinion that “a powerful old white person can get too old to be in power anymore.”
“Let me ask my money what it thinks about all this.”
FFS I just saw a "news" story about how a reporter asked Nancy Pelosi about calls for Biden to step aside, acting like it's surprising that she doesn't think an 80-something should consider retiring from politics.
Disappointed in you Andy.
It’s an easy time to be disappointed process analyzer
Very true. But Im a close minded rich old white person.
And I thought it was because he won the primaries.
What drives me nuts around discussing Biden's age is that two different meanings of "age" keep being conflated. "Age is just a number" is half-true. Age is *also* a measure of mental/physical acuity over time. Some age gracefully and others do not. Some 90 year olds are younger than Biden, YKWIM?
Here, Woody Guthrie plays his famous folk song , “ Hitch-hike’n to the G20 in a G5”
Democrats saw a terrible candidate running for a third time and went “fuck, how do we keep this close”