
Part of my day job currently involves reading transcripts created via ChatGPT, so on a daily basis, I get to see exactly how stupid it is even when dealing with very simple information, and I have a quiet little chuckle every time some tech bro claims it’s gonna be the future of everything.
No notes, GPT. 10/10.
This dipshit program frequently can’t handle the simplest requests, even when repeatedly exposed to the same info. I’ve watched its supposed capacity to “learn over time” for about six months now, and I can tell you it objectively haven’t learned shit.
Guy I work with was on the phone, person he was talking to gave him a distance in miles and he asked the plagiarism machine what that is in KM so he could tell them I sat there thinking it's even odds the bot just got the conversion wrong, but he'd never even consider it.
The machine said it, it must be true! Meanwhile, I’m seeing on a daily basis how it can’t deal with the simplest, repeated sentences, and just completely falls apart into gibberish if it encounters a non-English language.