A.C. Wise

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A.C. Wise


Author and reviewer. Novels Wendy, Darling and Hooked. Collection The Ghost Sequences. Sunburst Award winner. Nebula, World Fantasy, Stoker, Locus, Shirley Jackson, British Fantasy, Lamba, and Ignyte finalist. She/her. www.acwise.net.
I had a really wonderful time talking with Trevor of @sleyhousepresents.bsky.social. Such thoughtful interview questions and a fantastic and far-ranging discussion. As soon as the podcast is up, I'll share so y'all can listen in on our chat.
I'm on the road (or rails, rather) to Readercon! Looking forward to seeing folks there!
Barnes and Noble is having another one of their pre-order sales. If you're a member, it's the perfect time to add books to your TBR pile. If you're so inclined, you can get 25% off my novella Out of the Drowning Deep (publishing 9/3) with the Preorder25 code! www.barnesandnoble.com/w/out-of-the...
Out of the Drowning Deep|Hardcoverwww.barnesandnoble.com In the distant future, when mortals mingle with the gods in deep space, an out-of-date automaton, a recovering addict, and an angel race to solve the Pope’s murder in an abandoned corner of the ...
The wonderful @apexmag.bsky.social is running a Kickstarter to fund their next year of work. If you can, consider supporting them as they publish another year of incredible fiction, non-fiction, and art! www.kickstarter.com/projects/ape...
Apex Magazine 2025www.kickstarter.com A bi-monthly digital literary magazine of science fiction, dark fantasy, and horror.
The wonderful @uncannymagazine.bsky.social is running a Kickstarter to keep funding the fabulous work they do, which includes publishing art, fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. Consider supporting them if you can! www.kickstarter.com/projects/lyn...
Uncanny Magazine Year 11: This One Goes to ELEVEN!www.kickstarter.com Funding to support Year 11 of Hugo Award winning Uncanny Magazine. We have more stories to tell together!
I'll be at Readercon next week (and how is next week already the middle of July?!?) This year, I'm officially on programming even. Here's where you can find me! acwise.net/readercon-20...
Readercon 2024 – acwise.netacwise.net
Joanna's Body by @foxesandroses.bsky.social is a wonderful new novelette which takes a heartbreaking look at a toxic relationship and a complex mix of grief and guilt as Eleni must constantly help her dead friend find new bodies to inhabit. psychopomp.com/joannas-bodi...
Joanna’s Bodies - PSYCHOPOMP.COMpsychopomp.com Publisher’s note: this is the second of four novelettes we will be publishing this year. You can read this for free on our site (via this very page you're on)
Psst! In celebration of Canada Day weekend, a whole bunch of fabulous ebooks from @undertow.bsky.social are just $1 each! That includes my collection, The Ghost Sequences, along with excellent books by @premeemohamed.com, Rebecca Campbell, Naben Ruthnum, and others. undertowpublications.com/ebooks
EBOOKS — Undertow Publicationsundertowpublications.com
Consider helping out if you're able!
So, a lot has happened on the health front. No final answers yet, but what we've learned so far needs to be followed up, & fast. For that, I need at least $11,000 (to go to $55,000 overall) for blood tests, CT scans, consultant fees & more. Please donate & share! www.gofundme.com/f/help-r-s-a...
Help R. S. A. Garcia Pay for Cancer Expenses, organized by Arula Ratnakarwww.gofundme.com Hi everyone, I'm Rhonda, also known as R. S. A. Garcia, a speculative … Arula Ratnakar needs your support for Help R. S. A. Garcia Pay for Cancer Expenses
Ooh. An ARC of The Bog Wife by @kaychronister.bsky.social arrived in the mail today. I'm really looking forward to reading this one!
Hey, Philly area folks! Next month, I'll be discussing how to write fantasy with @gregfrost.bsky.social and J.E. Harter. Mark your calendars for 7/24 at 6pm at the Barnes and Noble Rittenhouse Square. Spread the word! www.eventbrite.com/e/the-write-...
The Write Stuff: How to Craft Fantasywww.eventbrite.com Join us for a panel on writing fantasy with authors Gregory Frost, J.E. Harter, and A.C. Wise on Wednesday, July 24th at 6pm!
More delightful book mail! I'm also really looking forward to this one - Lovely Creatures by @ktbryski.bsky.social. The cover art is gorgeous!
Book mail! I'm very excited to dive into Horror Movie by @paultremblay.bsky.social. To the top of the TBR pile it goes!
I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek at this dark, evocative novella. Put it on your TBR list now!
FROM THESE DARK ABODES by @lmanusos.bsky.social is on netgalley (link below) we are looking to get this INTO THE HANDS OF REVEWERS / TASTEMAKERS / ETC !!! "From These Dark Abodes invites readers into an endless house where immortals discard their skins and dance in their skeletons."
From These Dark Abodeswww.netgalley.com NetGalley helps publishers and authors promote digital review copies to book advocates and industry professionals. Publishers make digital review copies and audiobooks available for the NetGalley comm...
Pride Month is well underway, so I wanted to share a thread of queer titles I've read and enjoyed recently. We all need more books on our TBR piles, right?
I see StokerCon 2025 will be in Stamford CT. Nice! That is a very achievable location for me. Since I sadly wasn't able to attend at the last minute this year and my registration rolled forward, I plan to be there!
I'm living vicariously through people's pictures, videos, and posts about Stokert. I'm bummed to be missing out this weekend, but hopefully next year!
Short fiction fans! Put this upcoming collection on your radar!
Huge, huge thanks to the amazing @acwise.bsky.social and @mariahaskins.bsky.social for blurbing my upcoming collection Pick Your Potion. It's an honour to have two of my favourite writers say such wonderful things about my work. 💜💚
Just a friendly reminder, if you're eligible to nominate for the World Fantasy Awards, the deadline to get your ballot in is 5/31/24!
In case you missed it! I'm very excited for my upcoming novella with Absinthe Books!
The new batch of #AbsintheBooks novellas! They are: #grackle by @acwise.bsky.social , #spiderglass by @georgemann.bsky.social and #theridertheridetherichmanswife by @premeemohamed.com Available to order at pspublishing.co.uk/absinthe-boo... and you can buy all twelve existing titles for just £69!
Hey hey! It's officially official! My horror novella, Grackle, will be out from Absinthe/PS Publishing next month! And just look at the gorgeous cover art by Yorgos Cotrinis! pspublishing.co.uk/grackle-hard...
Grackle [hardcover] by A.C. Wisepspublishing.co.uk A NOVELLA by A.C. Wise CATEGORY Supernatural Horror PUBLICATION DATE June 2024 COVER ART Yorgos Cotronis PAGES 88 EDITIONS Unsigned Jacketed
Now that the contract is signed, I'm delighted to say that I have a new novelette forthcoming with @reactorsff.bsky.social! Wolf Moon , Antler will be published January 13, 2025, which just so happens to be the next actual Wolf Moon. I can't wait for folks to read this one!