Adam Bienkov

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Adam Bienkov

Political Editor of Byline Times. Editor of Folded. Lobby journalist in the House of Commons.
🔴Trump’s Running Mate JD Vance Says UK is an ‘Islamist Country’ and he Wants US to Abandon Ukraine Trump’s selection of an anti-Ukrainian, anti-British politician means the UK must now urgently look to Europe for our security
Trump’s Running Mate JD Vance Says UK is an 'Islamist Country' and he Wants US to Abandon Donal Trump's Running Mate JD Vance says UK an "Islamist Country" and Wants to End all aid to Ukraine
EXCLUSIVE: The Information Commissioners Office has written to the Conservatives to remind them "of the need to comply with the law" after they sent out thousands of fake driving charge notices designed to trick voters into handing over their personal data
Conservative Party ‘Reminded of the Need to Comply with the Law’ After Sending Fake Sadiq Khan ‘Driving Charge’ Conservative Party Rebuked by Information Commissioner's Office Over Fake 'Driving Charge' Notices About Sadiq Khan
Anyone thinking the Conservatives have a good chance of winning the next election should spend five minutes listening to some of the speakers at the 'Popular Conservatism' conference Heads so firmly buried in sand you'd need a fleet of JCB diggers to recover them
The Unpopular ‘Popular Conservatives’ Blame the Voters for Their Own Popular Conservatism Conference: Defeated Conservative MPs Urge Party to Lurch to the Right and embrace Nigel Farage
Suella Braverman tells the 'Popular Conservatism' conference that the real reason the Conservative party just suffered their worst ever election defeat is because they failed to tackle "the lunatic woke virus working its way through the British state"
The Unpopular ‘Popular Conservatives’ Blame the Voters for Their Own Popular Conservatism Conference: Defeated Conservative MPs Urge Party to Lurch to the Right and embrace Nigel Farage
🔴After the Wipeout Comes the Cope and the Hope As Conservative politicians seek to downplay their defeat, there are real reasons to be hopeful about what a Labour Government will now bring
After the Wipeout Comes the Cope and the As Conservative politicians seek to downplay their defeat, there are real reasons to be hopeful about what a Labour Government will now bring
The Conservative party, which is led by a man pledging to restore "integrity" and "accountability" to public life, is currently pushing hundreds of adverts lying about Labour's plans, while rebranding as independent fact-checkers in order to mislead voters
Conservative Party Blitzes Facebook with Hundreds of ‘Desperate’ Campaign Adverts Falsely Claiming Labour Plans to Hit Drivers With a ‘National ULEZ' Conservative Party Facebook adverts falsely claim Labour is planning national road charging as CCHQ rebrand as independent fact-checkers
The Conservatives claimed yesterday that a mysterious website design service handed £100,000 in taxpayer cash by its MPs is "independent" from the party However, I've now obtained records showing its company address is a property owned by a Tory staffer
The Conservatives Claim a Website Design Firm They Handed £100,000 in Taxpayer Cash is ‘Independent’ but it’s Listed at an Address Owned by a CCHQ Records seen by Byline Times throw doubt on the party's claims about the tech firm employed by Conservative MPs
Why all the Conservative warnings about a Labour "supermajority" are failing to cut through. Exclusive new polling finds that even among current Conservative voters, many believe a wipeout for Rishi Sunak's party would actually be a "positive" result
The Conservative Voters Secretly Hoping for a 'Wipeout' of Rishi Sunak's General election poll: Even Conservative supporters want wipeout for Rishi Sunak's party with most voters relaxed about Labour 'supermajority'
The truth is that the Conservative election betting scandal is just the tip of the iceberg from a party which has treated its time in Government as the ‘gift that keeps on giving’ How the Conservative 'Spivocracy' has cashed in over the past 14 years
‘Elections are a Chance to Make Money’: How the Conservative Spivocracy Cashed Conservative Election Betting Scandal: Rishi Sunak's Party and its Donors have made huge sums from their time in Government
As a new report finds the two child benefit cap is set to push hundreds of thousands more children into poverty, Keir Starmer tells LBC there's "no money" to scrap it. Here's why Labour's commitment to Osborne's pro-poverty measure is now indefensible
'Keir Starmer's Defence of the Two Child Benefit Cap is Indefensible' Keir Starmer Defends Two Child Benefit Cap, Committing Hundreds of Thousands More Children Across UK to Poverty
The trouble with feeding buns to crocodiles is that eventually you run out of buns and the crocodile eats you instead. How Rishi Sunak's feeding of the Faragist crocodile went so badly wrong
Feeding the Crocodile: How the Rise of Faragism Now Threatens us The poisonous form of politics represented by the Reform Party leader is now seeping into our broader political water supply
EXCLUSIVE: GB News Host Darren Grimes accused of pushing "far-right tropes of a Muslim takeover" after posting series of AI-generated images of Keir Starmer in Islamic dress alongside Muslim women Muslim groups accuse station of a pattern of Islamophobia
GB News Presenter Darren Grimes ‘Playing Into Far-Right Tropes of a Muslim Takeover’ GB News Presenter Darren Grimes posts 'far right' memes of Labour leader Keir Starmer wearing Islamic dress alongside Muslim women
"If Labour win this time, they'll change the rules so they're in power for a very long time," says Rishi Sunak, whose government has - Rejigged electoral systems - Introduced Voter ID - Raised election spending limits - Extended voting overseas
How Rishi Sunak ‘Changed the Rules’ to Keep the Conservative Party in The Prime Minister accused Keir Starmer of wanting to "change the rules so they're in power for a very long time", despite the Conservatives making a long list of changes to elections designed to keep...
Rishi Sunak said this morning that no Rwanda flights will take off before the General Election With a Labour victory now overwhelmingly likely, that means the Government’s “dream” of sending refugees to the brutal Rwandan dictatorship looks all but over
Rishi Sunak Says no Rwanda Flights Will Take Off Before General Election - Spelling Likely Death of Toxic Rwanda scheme: Rishi Sunak says no flights will take off before general election, spelling likely death of plans
When I first suggested to Boris Johnson that his Voter ID law was an attempt at voter suppression he dismissed it as "nonsense". Now one of the Government's own ministers has finally given the game away
Stop the Student Votes: Leaked Memo Exposes the Real Purpose of Voter Voter ID: Leaked Johnny Mercer memo suggests law was designed to stop students from voting and 'gerrymander' elections for Conservatives
🔴Rishi Sunak's Plans to Kill Off the Right to Protest Today was a landmark moment in the fight for our basic democratic rights and against new restrictions which should alarm us all
Rishi Sunak's Plans to Kill Off the Right to Today was a landmark moment in the fight for our basic democratic rights and against new restrictions which should alarm us all
BREAKING: Sunak's 'anti extremism' adviser Lord Walney has just published his report on "Protecting Democracy from Coercion" It calls for a ban on protest groups organising or raising money if they cause "serious disruption... [in order] to influence government or public debate"
'Huge Victory for Democracy’ as Rishi Sunak’s Protest Crackdown Found Unlawful by High Court The Home Office unlawfully gave police powers to intervene against protests where no serious disruption was taking place, the court ruled
‘Huge Victory for Democracy’ as Rishi Sunak’s Protest Crackdown Found Unlawful by High High Court finds Rishi Sunak's anti-protest laws were unlawful with Home Office putting protesters at unfair risk of prosecution
BREAKING: The High Court rules that the Government's anti-protest legislation is unlawful, in a major victory for campaigners Liberty The Court found Suella Braverman had lowered the threshold for police to intervene to even cover protests with 'normal' levels of disruption.
The Government promised Brexit would give us the "world's most effective border" A new report finds: - Brexit border checks will cost £4.7 billion - They add £7.5 billion a year to business costs - Hundreds of millions were wasted on facilities that were never used
The Billions Wasted on Brexit Border Controls to Make British Businesses Worse Brexit Border Controls: Billions Wasted on Making British Businesses Worse Off, Huge New Costs Imposed on Firms