
The Conservative party, which is led by a man pledging to restore "integrity" and "accountability" to public life, is currently pushing hundreds of adverts lying about Labour's plans, while rebranding as independent fact-checkers in order to mislead voters
Conservative Party Blitzes Facebook with Hundreds of ‘Desperate’ Campaign Adverts Falsely Claiming Labour Plans to Hit Drivers With a ‘National ULEZ' Conservative Party Facebook adverts falsely claim Labour is planning national road charging as CCHQ rebrand as independent fact-checkers
They were bound to use Cambridge Analytica strategy, it worked for Brexit , the most devastating act of self harm any nation has ever inflicted on its population.
Horrible greed soaked scammers deserving everything that’s coming to them .. Sunak on bbc last night talking about “integrity” ? The word Tory and integrity just do not go together. They are selfish wreckers out to line their pockets. Boot them out ! #torycorruption #boottoriesout
They say RW politics aren’t internationalist, but wherever they are in the world, they all lie though their teeth to acquire or retain power. It’s astonishing that they get away with it (and they wouldn’t, I guess, if most major media wasn’t owned by billionaires).
He insults the intelligence of people if he thinks they will not see it for what it is. (I hope.) A clear declaration of the low opinion the Tories have of the electorate.
Here's a suggestion: all political advertising should carry a tagline saying 'This advert endorsed by on behalf of .' That way, any subsequent litigation or action by ASA can hold that person directly responsible. You'd soon see dramatic change.
Pure project fear. - which does work on a large section of the population.
He looks like he's on the verge of tears all the time. He needs to buy a big bar of chocolate and large bag of his favourite crisps and to curl up on the sofa with his go to comfort film. There's nothing more to be done.