
This is a good thread. I'm trying to remember that there's a large set of people for whom the idea of changing the ticket feels disorientingly sudden and terrifying, and like something that can only be happening because of motives darker than "because he can't do it anymore" and "so we don't lose."
There's a fundamental disconnect between people who watched the debate and saw it as viscerally disqualifying and people who saw a gifted politician having a very bad night. The two camps are going to have a very hard time reaching agreement on anything else about the race.
I'll just note here what I said to Angus on the other site: it's also that one camp is furious at the media (and NYT in particular) for being relentless on what they deem to be a non-story; the other camp is furious at the Dem establishment for circling the wagons and not speaking to reality.