
The Tory right see Net Zero culture wars as a vote winner and I think even the One Nationers don't give the environment enough weight (or see that conservation is actually quite appealing to small-c conservatives.)
That opens up an area for the Lib Dems to win over Tories in their recent gains and in some of the remaining Tory seats, while also appealing to voters who want Labour to go further. (Ditto the Green Party.)
And North Herefordshire is a perfect example
I may be lucky but I don't know anyone that doesn't believe the climate is changing in some way now. Complete denialism seems like an outlier. However... many don't realise the impact it will have (especially relating to global food/resources), and therefore dont attach much importance to it.
Yes and no. That's true for me too and I think that reflects majority opinion. But right-wingers I interact with on the internet - even the less barking ones - seem to live in a bubble where any sort of action on climate is "extreme". IMO they misread the public mood.
Totally agree... I was talking from a personal mindset rather than a policital tool. And I don't say the deniers don't exist, just that they are disportionally represented in the media. I honestly think Farage for example *knows*... he just doesn't care, being rich, white and fairly old.