Adam Cain

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Adam Cain

Absolutely pissing down with rain right now. Checks calendar. Ah, of course. Wimbledon fortnight.
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Quite pleased to see Corbyn elected. Not a fan of his policies at all, but clearly popular in his constituency for many years. Much more appropriate to be an independent than a Labour MP continually rebelling against his own party.
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“How the occupants of No 10 brought us austerity, #Brexit , Partygate and an economic crash…If you’re feeling nostalgic, or just possibly a little angry, here is a recap of the lurches, plunges and nausea of 14 years on the Tory rollercoaster.” #GTTO
Did that really happen? 14 years of chaotic Tory How the occupants of No 10 brought us austerity, Brexit, Partygate and an economic crash
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Reposted byAvatar Adam Cain
it's kind of weird, I've never done this before, between two shitposting I'm begging people to watch my new movie
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So far we have one screening, the premier sorted, and here's the link where you can buy tickets. I really appreciate if you could come.
The Whip - September 4, 6:45 194902 - The Whip - Screen 1 - September 4, 6:45 pm
This, from Ian Dunt, is not only a magnificent evisceration of the Tory/Reform/Right-wing Press nexus, it shows how we need to change the whole practice of politics.
“The moral case for competence: that's what the Conservatives are discovering right now. It's what they've been discovering over the course of the last five weeks. And, with any luck, it's what they will discover good and hard next Thursday. “
14 years of Tory Some shattered conclusions from a broken brain
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just reupping this for the growing and increasingly annoying 'FPTP Is Bad Actually' crowd
certain people: "52/48 is an overwhelming mandate for changing absolutely everything, you lost get over it" also certain people: "if they get a supermajority they shoudn't just do what they like"
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25 June 1938 | A German Jewish boy, Henrik Shteinhart Tzukerman, was born in Berlin. His family emigrated to Belgium. In October 1942 he was deported from Malines / Mechelen do #Auschwitz. After the selection he was murdered in a gas chamber.
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Here it is
Oh yeah btw I found a 12th century poem that lists a whole bunch of practices that medieval folks thought were good for your health and one of the very first things is bathing and washing.
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“Of all the hills to die on, the Tories choose William Hill”
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Reposted byAvatar Adam Cain
Reform is 53% owned by Farage and is a ltd company not a party. It was formed in 2019 to push for a “no-deal Brexit” It wants to reintroduce the Liz Truss budget It wants to privatise the NHS & invest in fossil fuels Close the BBC & break International law It’s a scam
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I love non-conforming Victorians and Edwardians as they completely undermine the "all this is modern woke" attack line. Here's my queen of it. Dress reform activist Dr Mary Edwards Walker who said "I don't wear men's clothes: I wear my clothes."
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Reposted byAvatar Adam Cain
The Past meets the Future. Gruppenfuehrer Farage encounters Labour candidate Jovan Owusu-Nepaul in Clacton.
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Tell them what you think of their disgusting sense of entitlement on July 4th
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Reposted byAvatar Adam Cain
Friends of the Earth has given the thumbs up to the Lib Dem manifesto: “an impressive document recognising the interconnection of the climate and nature crises with existing societal inequalities.”
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Wealthy Dulwich College educated ex stock and commodities broker says wealthy Winchester College educated ex hedge fund manager is disconnected by class and privilege from how the ordinary folk in this country feel. British right wing politics in a nutshell.
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Today I Learnt That the late Bob Cryer MP was an extra in TheRailway Children, as he worked on the heritage steam railway where it was filmed, ad is even referred to by Bernard Cribbins ("Right away, Mr Cryer") in the climactic "Daddy, my daddy" scene.
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Reposted byAvatar Adam Cain
Drinking game for the debate tonight: Go to the pub and have a good evening with friends instead of wasting your time watching two politicians say the stuff you could predict in advance they're going to say.
This, of course, is exactly what Sunak has been doing, and to a lesser extent the Tories have been doing since Cameron at least.