Addison Smith

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Addison Smith

Turns Cold Brew into Fiction. Indie Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror. Codex Member. Always working on something.
I had a super gory, visceral nightmare last night. It was a mess. It was so fun I went back to sleep for more! :D
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New audio release for Mythaxis Issue 38 - check out Addison Smith's HOOK, LINE, AND SINKER with your ears! #fiction #podcast
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Northern lights cat and star cat ^_^
SA Barnes is everything I’m looking for in space horror. <3 Listening to the Ghost Station audiobook again today. So good.
I’m doing something fun and maybe a bit silly. I’m making a Huge Problem for myself by writing 10k each for two different characters. Same world but far apart, each with their own story. Also wrote a 2k prologue from a third character. Once they are done, I have to figure out how it all intersects.
16,293 words into this fantasy novel and I have... Well, I've introduced the characters at least... #amwriting
Every day I struggle to find focus and figure out what to write. So I’m trying something new! I just scheduled an email to myself for 4 am every day of July. The email has my topic for the day. Let’s see how it goes! :D
Huge co-sign to this! Also, the more you submit the more you just don't take it personally, or even really care. There will always be more opportunities, and that rejection just means you get to try the next one!
Finishing and submitting a story = you're in the game = you rock. Rejections are a measure of that last. That means, getting a rejection = you rock. So when you're feeling down, remember YOU ROCK! and write another story. When you get a reject, remember YOU ROCK! and write another story. And so on.
If I could learn one skill, it would be to Just Do the Thing. Decide to do The Thing and then Do It. My life is so guided by whims and walls, what my brain wants to do and what it refuses to do at any given moment. Or guitar.
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to my U.S. followers: i am going to be blunt about this: if you want me to die? there’s two things to do this November. vote for Trump, or don’t vote at all. if you want me to live? vote for the other guy. idgaf if i lose followers over this. won’t miss you.
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It's almost July, friends, which means: PodCastle will soon be OPEN TO SUBMISSIONS! General subs call, so: fantasy stories <6k, originals or reprints. You can send one of each at a time, and submit as soon as you're rejected, so get sending! Full guidelines in an algorithm-friendly location below:
Avatar Psst. Hey Hailey! Sorry for the weird message! Do you know if Benny Rose is ever coming back to audio? It disappeared from every vendor some months ago. I love revisiting the audiobook, but I always listened to it on hoopla so I didn’t actually download it! D:
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The new issue of just came out! This time around it includes my weird fishy flash, "Hook, Line, and Sinker," which really gets back to my roots of writing weird stuff about fish. I hope you enjoy it! :smiley:
The new issue of just came out! This time around it includes my weird fishy flash, "Hook, Line, and Sinker," which really gets back to my roots of writing weird stuff about fish. I hope you enjoy it! :smiley:
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Issue 38 of Mythaxis Magazine is out now! We have five pieces of original fiction, long and short form reviews, and – to celebrate our new endeavours with audiocasts – an interview with the voice behind The Voice of Mythaxis!
Whistler I’m Blade 2: They turned me. Made me a monster. But I got better. Not going to explain how. It’ll never come up in the series again. Also being a vampire didn’t fix my bum leg. Blade: didn’t you die in the first movie? Whistler: got better.
Brain continues to be dumb. I wrote 4200 words by 8 am this morning and I’ve managed to feel that as a negative thing. “They weren’t toward the right thing,” “I stopped at 8 am,” 0why don’t I do that every day.” Fighting the good fight.
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Replacing Sam, Merry, and Pippin with these guys and listening to them call the Nazghuls “Da Rafes.”
4,168 words this morning. It's 8 am. I wish I could write a whole novel like this. Start with zero idea of what I'm doing, just an interesting sentence, and see where it leads. In practice I can only do that for about 8,000 words before everything falls apart. :p
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Want to take a chance on a new author? My collection, “Shipminds and Angels Bound, and Other Futures,” is available now! It’s 99 cents and a quick read at 40 pages of shorts and flash fiction. I happen to think the stories are pretty great! Retweets repaid in LOVE. 🥰
Just wrote 2,828 words in 68 minutes, after starting with zero idea. I don't know that I can do anything with this, but it felt really good. #amwriting
Evergreen skeet.
Sometimes I can't tell if my friends are writing, playing video games, or having a stroke
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Starting Mister Magic by Kiersten White tonight! I’m in love with the concept of a children’s show from the past that ended in tragedy and nobody remembers. My first Kiersten White book and I’m really looking forward to it!
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In case no one has told you lately: 1. You are strong 2. You are beautiful 3. Sea cucumbers have fish that live in their buttholes and eat their ever-regenerating gonads like some sort of sick undersea Prometheus 4. You are deserving of love
I just found the perfect product.
Want to take a chance on a new author? My collection, “Shipminds and Angels Bound, and Other Futures,” is available now! It’s 99 cents and a quick read at 40 pages of shorts and flash fiction. I happen to think the stories are pretty great! Retweets repaid in LOVE. 🥰