
That Home Depot/milkshake analogy is going to live absolutely rent-free in my head forever.
Reminds me of a one-star review I read once about a noir novel that said it was "too dark" for the reader, who "doesn't like dark books." Um.
How many one-star reviews of romances have I read where the reader doesn't like romance? *the limit does not exist dot gif*
Review of my fake-fiances romance: "I don't think it's realistic that people would pretend to be engaged" um, okay, probably true.
It’s an oft-recurring theme!
As a middle grade writer I am constantly amazed at how many people will take the time to read one of my books and then write a one-star review complaining that they didn't like it because they're not a child.
There are so many reviews like this!
That’s something I always appreciated about Roger Ebert’s reviews—he tried to engage with what a film was trying to be and evaluate how well it did that
I can't remember how the conversation went. But one time either Siskel or Ebert were saying a movie would have been better if they had done this or that and the other one said something to the effect that "you can't review a movie they didn't make."
One of the best things a college professor ever said to me was after a book review I wrote saying why didn’t they cover this or that instead. He said ‘you’re reviewing the book *they didn’t write* - you need to review the book *they wrote.’* Mind blown, and that lesson has stuck.
My favorite writing analogy is from MST3K's "The Screaming Skull:" "So they put a tiny bit of plot in a box and just filled the rest with a bunch of foam peanuts. This, for example, this scene is a foam peanut. Maybe two." Now when I'm writing, I'll ask, "Is this scene a foam peanut?"
Sometimes you don't know right away, though! I wrote a scene in one of my books where a character is walking his (shy, nervous) dog and has to deal with annoying neighbor who doesn't control her larger, exuberant dog. 1/2
Several chapters later, I realized that set me up perfectly to have the love interest walk the dog, run into the annoying woman, and have the shy dog slip her collar and run away, setting up a Big! Emotional! scene of them searching for her in the rain. 2/2
I’m teaching genres expectations this week. This is golden.
And even if Home Depot actually offered milkshakes, why would you buy them there?
…realized that this could be read as “authors should never write outside their one genre” and that’s absolutely not the intention.
The analogy is funny to me because the burrito stand at my Home Depot is famous
In Chicago too - Fixin' Franks, in several Home Depots, has outstanding Wagyu beef dogs. Same for writing!
My hubs and I have a rule: don't buy food from a place that doesn't primarily sell food. Gas station candy? Yes bc they sell lots of it so it's not old and stale. Snacks from the impulse checkout aisle at Old Navy? No way.
As someone who now buys his favorite candy bar in bulk online every month or so (credit to my wife for finding it!) because every single time I picked up a couple at the supermarket they were stale to the point of being concrete foam (in flavor and consistency): YES, this rule applies very broadly.
Old Navy barely even sells what I would consider clothes, let alone food.
I don't know about milkshakes, but I've gotten some excellent hot dogs at Home Depot... Which is to say some stories incorporate unexpected genres really well
Those are usually independent franchisees that the Home Depot allows to setup their little sabretts cart outside to increase customer goodwill. Sometimes they also allow some guy with a BBQ smoker trailer to setup in the parking lot, it might make someone think about getting an new grill.
All this shouldn’t be construed to mean that home depot milkshakes are good
Cari Hunter,, this post reminded me of some of the reviews for your books. The ones who after reading your sapphic CRIME Fiction novels deduct a star because there wasn’t enough romance or the people who are SHOCKED that books based in Northern England include English slang!
LOL, I know! "Wow, you picked up a book clearly labelled 'crime,' written by a British author, and you are devastated that the book is not an American-sounding Romance?" I don't think the book is the problem here, Karen.
I wish every time someone typed, "I know the blurb said this book was about X, but" into Goodreads, their entry window would be replaced with their own personal worst "not angry, just disappointed" gif.
I've been writing British WLW crime fiction for ten years and I still regularly devastate readers who prefer their British crime to focus on a romantic pairing and not be so bloody British. I add more British just for them.
I’m American. Need more bloody British! MORE dammit! It’s my favourite 😉
On a scale of 1 to British, I'd put my books at 11 😆
The forbidden milkshake
Aw. You’re going to trigger Andy Ngo.
Reminds me of when I was little, there was this kid who didn't like me for no good reason. He asked my favourite band, at the time it was Aerosmith, and I told him. His response still blows my mind 30yrs later as he exclaimed with great sincerity and anger "GREAT NOW I CANT LIKE AEROSMITH ANYMORE!"
I think every genre has at least one example of an "easy out" where people who don't like That Thing (e.g. the easily cleared up misunderstanding) decide it means they don't like That Genre.
Perhaps he was just looking for an easy out, but I dunno, I think he was just such a dumb fuck he couldn't process people he didn't like having anything in common. I wonder if he ever grew out of that shitty attitude.
Oh, I love this! Hadn't seen it before, thank you for sharing!
My milkshake brings all the boys to the appliance section.
“What if they DIDN’T end up together at rhe end of this romance” fine no one is stopping you from doing that, just don’t call it a romance
The amazon review I found once that stated 'This toaster oven makes terrible pot roast' has stuck with me.
Somehow a lot of people got it in their heads that ”realism” in storytelling is a first order requirement instead of just another genre with its own conventions.
I feel this is my very soul.
Wait... where is this "bumblebeebats" person? Why can't I find them when I do a search???
It’s a tumblr post