
Yup. As a teaching librarian, one of the most important tools in my arsenal is the question, "Where have you already looked and what methods have you used?" Otherwise, I'm just assuming things like baseline knowledge of resources and tools available. 1/x
As a chem TA, one of the most valuable things I ever did with struggling students in office hours was have them narrate for me how they would solve a problem, and then figure out what it was they weren’t getting. That’s how you get the lightbulb moments.
AI can only (at best) mimic that baseline assumption (and it would probably have to be baked in by human programmers at that - and from the interactions I've had with programmers who already "know" what librarians do? I'm not even hopeful about that). 2/2
As noted, AI can't perceive the missing steps or the wrong turns at Albuquerque. In fact, it'll probably introduce a ring road around Albuquerque for one student and force them to plow through a major park for another. It's not even consistent. This is a recipe for disaster.