Courtney Milan

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Courtney Milan

She/her. I write books about carriages, corsets, and smartwatches. Mother of (emoji) dinosaurs 🦖🦕. 羽生結弦 fan. Fan of tea. This biography should not be taken as a complete description.
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
!!!! Y'all, another VERY SPECIFIC MILESTONE has been smashed! Romancing the Vote's lifetime total has now reached $925,000!!! Thank you. You rock. New goal unlocks tomorrow! For now, plot your endgame. http://auction.roman...
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
If you are mad at the NYT and don't feel like fucking with the auction today, I also invite you to just go directly to which is where all of our auction payments will go, and from there directly on to voting organizations who will make sure those who WANT to vote can.
Chip in! Show your support with a contribution.
THERE ARE 20 MORE SLOTS IN THE CLASS with! I'm pretty sure these will sell out, so don't hesitate.
Did you miss out on the grantwriting class with Claire Willett? Now's your chance. She's generously offered to add 20 more slots--and one additional class--for all our participants.
Grantwriting Master Auction item 'Grantwriting Master Class' hosted online at 32auctions.
that's just me, pulling up my executive function by its caffeinated boot straps
Hello and good morning to everyone, but especially to my scarily competent big sister who knows everything.
Good morning Bluesky. My worldbuilding consult is currently priced at $187.50. That's a bargain, considering that it's well under what you'd pay for a consult if you contacted me directly. Plenty of room for bidding!
Worldbuilding Consultation w/ Auction item 'Worldbuilding Consultation w/ Astrobiologist' hosted online at 32auctions.
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
Subscribe to my Patreon if you think I deserve nice things
I saw something that made me mad and then chose not to post a response to it someone should give me a gift for that
Get more from Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBlue on making politics make sense
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
About five years ago, I opened my DMs on the bird site and told people I would listen and believe them. The accounts I heard were horrifying and heartbreaking. Some perpetrators were too powerful to tackle, as they were wealthy and litigious. I am not surprised today. #believesurvivors
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
You don't really want to get this for cheap, do you? (I have it on good authority that they are currently the leading bidder, and while I'd be happy for it to go to them, LET'S BID THIS THING UP!)
Annotated Copy of Fake Auction item 'Annotated Copy of Fake Flame' hosted online at 32auctions.
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
When I hear fireworks, my immediate reaction is to go make sure Pele is okay. Fourth of July is hard for people without dogs, too.
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
On this July 4, please pause to remember that one of the colonists’ complaints in the Declaration was that the Crown was paying its judges.
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
"Nobody used to think men exploiting women was wrong" is up there with "Nobody used to think slavery was wrong" as a really impressive giveaway of who you think counts as "nobody".
I just saw someone say that people didn’t know about power dynamics 20 years ago and… just checking here… Are you high? That was the goddamn twenty-first century.
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
Constitution: People involved in insurrections should not be President. Roberts court:...hmm, no, I don't see it. Constitution:.... Roberts court: but the president should have immunity for crimes
We are trying to make it easy for people to identify auctions that are still in their budgetary range. Take a look!
Our volunteers are currently going through the auctions to help identify some amazing auctions that are still accessible for those with a lower price point. First, we have Auctions Under 50: there are so many awesome things in here!
Romancing the Vote Silent auction 'Romancing the Vote 2024' hosted online at 32auctions.
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
I honestly think that there is no greater tribute to our books or legacy of them, than knowing that those books attracted a group of people who wanted to build community and a commitment to using our collective resources to help each other when we needed it, and everyone else when we didn't.
We have never been alone: one of Bree's big selling points was "I know a bunch of people on the Discord who are willing to help," and boy were they ever. We knew romance would pitch in with items and spreading the word. It's been a team effort since the beginning.
A little less than four years ago, said "what if we do an auction for the Georgia runoff?" and she and I batted the idea back and forth and picked a name and got a domain name and I woke up the next day and made a logo and got emails and a twitter account.
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
And I don't want any self-deprecation from any of you tonight! Yes, there are always high dollar items that get a lot of attention... but as the person who has run the Doom Spreadsheet since 2020 I can tell you: The bulk of this money always comes from HUNDREDS & hundreds of $25-50 donations.
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
I also want to take this moment to thank every single author, editor, scientist, crafter, blogger, podcaster, showrunner, comic book writer, expert and EVERYONE. Even with the most powerful spreadsheet in the world, we'd have nothing to fill it with without all of you donating your time & skills.
There are some truly amazing knit dogs in this auction. Every time I see the border collie I feel a warm loving glow because it looks so much like a Pele dog. Dog lovers (or friends of dog lovers) this is your chance to get a one-of-a-kind.
Romancing the Vote Silent auction 'Romancing the Vote 2024' hosted online at 32auctions.
We were all watching the bid feed while this happened, and I just wanna say that I said something like "it's likely to be that puts us over" and lo and behold. Yet another person signing up for's masterclass on grant writing is what put us over.
WE DID IT!! On day *three* of this auction! Romancing the Vote has now raised $900,000 across all three auctions... and I think we can officially say that's almost a million dollars. Y'all are the BEST. http://auction.roman...
Over three auctions, we've now raised $900,000 for voting rights organizations. I feel super emotional that this community has been able to come together to do this. Thank you all so much! And we are not done yet!
Breaking: Judge Ada Brown, a Trump appointee in N.D. Texas, has blocked the FTC’s noncompete rule, limited to the named plaintiffs, in an APA challenge as likely contrary to law and arbitrary and capricious. The rule is set to go into effect in September.
I keep watching the auction for this extremely appropriate wall quilt because I suspect it will be relevant for a long time....
Expressive wall Auction item 'Expressive wall quilt' hosted online at 32auctions.
Reposted byAvatar Courtney Milan
Free idea for Biden: drop a court packing plan right now and that’ll change the conversation REAL quick Gift article: Tribe said he would like to see Biden & other Dems make a renewed push to expand the number of justices on the court, a liberal demand that Biden agreed to study but has not embraced. “If he wins the forthcoming election, I will be pressing him to [expand the court]"
Analysis | Democrats revive SCOTUS overhaul ideas in wake of immunity In today’s edition … AFSCME union stands by Biden, for now … Biden to meet with governors as criticism grows.
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