
capitolhunters: To everyone appalled by NYT's July 4 op-ed "Why I don't vote. And maybe you shouldn't either", note that 1) author Matthew Walther DID vote in both 2020 and 2022, and 2) he's an extremist Catholic graduate of Hillsdale College, part of the religious-right faction behind Jan 6. lol💀
The Hitler-esque haircut gave him away. PS: FYI, I’m Catholic, and gay - and there are a LOT of forward-thinking liberal Catholics just like me.
For real, it's like that in every religion, some ppl love their dogma tho. Yeah on the hair... kinda femme 😼
I hear you! 🫤 (I think that’s why they hate LGBTQ folk so much: denial, repression and self-hatred)