
In light of the Labour manifesto: Trans rights _are_ women's rights. I don't mean that in a "Trans Rights Are Human Rights" way, I mean that anti-trans policies are inevitably harmful to all women (as women), and, conversely, that trans-positive norms are a proximal boon to women.
My 85yo mother in law had a moment of insight when I explained that laws regulating where trans people can be cause women like me (gender dissidents) to be kicked out of or hassled in bathrooms while the trans women who are a far smaller population are also endangered so it’s lose/lose for all women
Anti-trans activists have already gender-policed many women in bathrooms for "looking too male". Not all of those women were trans. So, what you said.
And trans women are women so just fall under the same set of rights. It's straightforward.
Think about things like makeup, hair products, nail care, clothes, shoes, and all the beauty industry say you need to look like a ‘real’ woman. They can’t afford for cis women to question those appearance standards. Too many people profit from women being told they don’t look like women.
do u support 🏳️‍🌈?