Sara Manns

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Sara Manns

Your family deserves health care freedom. Roots in Ohio, branches where the sagebrush grows. What didn't kill me made me furious. Display pic: my face smiling because I’m out in the woods. profile pic: mural of Article 2 of the UN Convention on Genocide
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When you fall out of a coconut tree and suddenly realize you’re in the K Hive.
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Why was the 1960 election close? It's sure helps to consider the possibility that "it's racism"
Why did Dewey nearly defeat Truman in 1948? It's a puzzle, unless you consider the possibility that "it's racism."
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Donald Trump abused his powers in a lot of "there's no recourse except impeaching him" ways and Biden mostly refused to do any of that and the reward he's received is that the Centrist Norms-Guarders who actually pretend to care about that stuff have now all called on him to step down.
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I understand the pull of doomerism but I'll also point out that "red-state" organizers and activists have been living under, and resisting/rebuking, many and various forms of oppression for a long time and should be considered leaders in this moment. Like I said back in 2017:
Red-State Progressives Hold the Blueprint for the Trump Liberals in conservative states know a thing or two about fighting back against single-party rule by bigots.
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A difference between me and many of my friends is that most of my friends believe that manners and decorum mean that a person will not participate in fascism. Maybe it is the lesson that my bitter Jewish grandmother taught me, but I've always believed that aristocrats can push us into the ovens.
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Me, last Friday: “I can’t think of a single class I less want to teach this fall than strategic political communication. Not in this election season. Not again.” Me, now: “well AT LEAST I’m not teaching Con Law.”
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a good way to alleviate concerns about Bidens debate performance / age *and* concerns about court overreach would be for Team Biden to schedule a short TV speech on it and give a firebrand performance about what he intends to do about it just sayin
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Clarence Thomas unquestionably committed tax fraud on his motorcoach deal and the president has the power to put him in handcuffs this afternoon, in his official capacity in charge of the IRS and federal law enforcement
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Some of the nihilism I'm seeing on the skyline is why Black people say y'all wouldn't last an hour as us, btw.
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Sorry to all my lawyer friends who spent a bunch of time learning how law works in the US. I had friends who were Flash developers and things turned out alright for them after they pivoted to C# or whatever. Hopefully there's an equivalent for our national legal system
people online and in my group chats trying to get the DNC to drop a loaded pistol in their hands from a drone like some Hunger Games sponsor gift: you're not a tribute for your district, start stabbing the bear
if you're facing down a bear and there's a bowie knife in your hand, your purpose in life is now to kill a bear with a bowie knife
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trump just called for liz cheney to be prosecuted for treason which, according to john roberts, is an official act and would not be subject to criminal sanction
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I started my career reporting on how people were using the Internet in dictatorships, and if there's one BIG thing I learned from talking to a bunch of people who literally had served jail time for political blogging, it was "choose your battles wisely, and don't say dumb things in dumb places."
if there is one survival skill I would REALLY like everyone opposed to the fascist GOP to learn right now, it's "do not say things on the public internet that will provide authorities with useful pretenses for coming after you."
if only
The Supreme Court declaring Trump king has messed with the New York Times' plans for a week of BIDEN OLD multimedia features
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THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
Americans take notes from French socialists on how to put country above personal ambition & policy preferences, let's see how we do, can't wait
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
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Joe Biden has the chance to officially do the funniest thing possible
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An unfairly maligned formulation of the true meaning of the separation of powers, according to today’s Supreme Court majority.
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ironically the only thing restraining biden from drone striking the insurrectionist supreme court justices is that the justices he would appoint to replace them would hold him accountable
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I'll need to stew on this for a bit but what is the argument against Joe Biden ordering DOJ to indict Clarence Thomas
How could that go wrong
Jackson urges Congress to "address this absurdity and forestall the coming chaos" in dissent.
no can do friend, we aren't done playing fantasy baseball with the Democratic nominee, finding out that POTUS can have all his potential rivals imprisoned for unspecified offenses against the state with immunity from prosecution will make it too messy
Ten hours to SCOTUS decisions!
It's worse than this for very 2024 reasons but it's definitely bad: Democrats in the 20th century tried an open convention, to replace a president who was eligible to run again but tired, and lost to a slimy conman who they'd beaten before but who refused to go away because he was The Real America.
How does Harris get on ballots in WI & OH? due to successful organizing for abortion rights, there are enough newly registered voters in both to potentially transform statehouses by voting a Dem ticket but GOP deployment of state law (ballot deadlines vs convention timing) leaves the top blank so
again, the only three options here are biden, harris, or chaos. there’s just a few months left.
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This deserves a longer write up than I can give it right now, but Biden would be much better off arguing that Trump isn’t a valid candidate than arguing that we should pick him over Trump. He’s avoided it because he thinks Trump is his only argument, but he needs more if we’re gonna win this.
Dana Nessel Saves the Republic, 2024 Edition (this is legally & historically correct though)
Trump v Anderson is much more vulnerable than it appears at first blush, and if I were a blue state AG, I would consider announcing that I won’t print ballots with his name because the Supreme Court says he’s disqualified. Invite Congress to intervene if they want to compel me to change.
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The answer is simple and it's time everyone got on board.
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every girl has 2 wolves inside of her. the issue is she also has a bag of grain and a chicken inside of her too. she also has a rowboat that can only carry 2 of the 3 types of things inside of her at any given time. how does the girl get to the other side of the river without losing the grain or th
"LBJ bowed out for the good of the nation & to pass the torch": Yesterday a smart voter who skipped the 11th grade (US history is taught then, FYI) asked me why I was grinding my teeth as our mutual friends got excited about an open convention and I just...did not scream, curse or cry. Please clap.
"So I'm reading this history of 1968. Such an important year. Anyway I'm only about halfway through but already there are so many lessons."
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Don't fall for the trap. If Democrats listen to the New York Times and try to replace Biden, the New York Times will have a new narrative: Democrats in chaos. And they will then have 347 stories a week about whoever is the candidate, all focused on how inexperienced and unprepared that person is.