
maybe I would check my voicemails more if it didn't take 24 years for the guy to say W E L C O M E ..... T O 2 D E G R E E S V O I C E M A I L. Y O U H A V E ....... .... ... O N E!! . . . . N E W M E S S A G E ....... M E S S A G E ... R E C E I V E D.. A T .... .. TWELVE ... THIRTYFIVE .. PEE EM
Followed by “as this is the first time you have accessed your mailbox you need to set it up” Fuck off, Ive had the same voice mail with you for years and set this up multiple time!😡
This is exactly how it sounds
i angry-cried while typing it out
This is why i like spark voicemail app. I get a text message. Because also who leaves vm these days. My message says not to.
Do they make you pay for the privilege?
Ha ha snap. My voicemail tells people not to leave a message.
same! so irritating when people do it anyway. and start their message with "hi amanda, i know your message says not to leave a message but i thought i'd just leave a quick message to say blah blah blah blah JUST TEXT ME BITCH