Adam H Johnson

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Adam H Johnson

Writer and podcast person
Reposted byAvatar Adam H Johnson
An excellent piece by in Deserves to be widely read, and should drive "journalistic institutions, universities and prestige nonprofits" into deep self-examination. To paraphrase Chomsky: Are some victims more (un)worthy than other victims?
“Taking a position is okay so long as it doesn’t meaningfully offend the prevailing hegemonic worldview. If it does, then it violates not, explicitly, the prevailing hegemonic worldview, but some abstract virtue of ​'neutrality' or ​'objectivity.'”
Gaza Has Exposed Journalistic and Academic “Neutrality” as the Conservative Deflection It Always After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, elite liberal institutions had no problem picking a side. After 37,000 Palestinians are killed by Israel—things are now more complicated.
Reposted byAvatar Adam H Johnson
still hope for me to live the dream
the kid (2.5yo) has entered his “train phase” this is a very exciting development for me
Biden needs to announce a plan to put all the college football conferences back to their 2019 status, he’d win 90% of the vote
none of these are powerful enough for a vibe shift, sorry. only SBUX can do this
with its PSL marketing Starbucks has complete, unilateral control over the autumnal vibe shift, this is too much power for a single corporation to have
Equalizer3 being offered in imax is the funniest dad pandering ever, middleaged guys paying an extra $7 to watch 40 foot tall Denzel cut open a Serbian thug with a credit card. No creative justification, just an option dumped by the studio in late august. For dads.
an idea so stupid..... it just may work
Yes and also none of this ever going to happen. These guys saw a couple paragraphs of mediocre scripted genre pastiche and assumed we were a few years from actual writing, actual acting, actual music composition, actual directing and actual editing. Babies, all of them
i’m not exactly a connoisseur when it comes to film and literature, but it still blows my mind that these guys all conceive of art as just an updated set of jingling keys dangling in front of their moron faces
funny that in 2004 granola people made a movie exploiting the linguistic and conceptual fuzzy areas of quantum physics and basically argued you could stand in front of a mirror and if you were sufficiently solipsistic and self-loathing you could concentrate hard enough and lose weight
there should be a tournament where the most popular blue state governors debate whichever GOP primary candidate shares their rank. If that was the case itd currently be Green (HI) v Trump Beshear (KY) v DeSantis Lamont (CT) v Ramaswamy Healey (MA) v Pence Polis (CO) v Haley (MC approval v RCP avg)
Funny that Newsom is debating (supposedly soon?) the guy now polling third
Funny that Newsom is debating (supposedly soon?) the guy now polling third
My all-time favorite character actor Xander Berkeley followed me then a few months later unfollowed me and I was legit upset. Then I realized it was a massively stupid thing to care about but yes, there’s still a small hole in my heart like four years later.
Prompt thread for a site where you can't game prompt threads: what were your most surreal Twitter follows? Mine were Norm, John Mayer, Jason Isbell, and Johnny Carson's old lawyer.
He wants to redirect money from Ukraine defense to massive escalation with China and Mexico, I beg the midwits who buy into this stuff to actually listen to what he’s saying, Ramaswamy doesn’t want to redirect money from Ukraine to poor people in the US, he wants to simply fund other hostilities
The lesson with the DeSantis’ implosion like with Jeb or the other “front runner” governors no one likes is that people elect governors to Get Things Done, they elect presidents because they Vibe With Them, it’s more of a romantic gesture. Governor is middle management, president is a cult leader
Reposted byAvatar Adam H Johnson
So much this. "Abortion on demand" as opposed to what? Doctors roaming the streets and leaping out of bushes to perform surprise terminations?
Warms my heart to see the GOP also waste their time with vacuous “generations” discourse, analysis with the depth of a 1990s Pepsi marketing campaign in all its manifestations.
Man these guys are extremely horny for war with China, like even more than the last round. Just foaming, dead eyed and bat shit, it’s the only consistent applause line
This is cool, love this “anti imperialism”. ‘The woke libs care about gay stupid Ukraine and give them $77 billion while they ignore Maui and south Chicago which is why I want to spend $200 billion starting a new Cold War with China and also don’t care about Maui and south Chicago’
God bless the also-rans saying wild stuff like “presidents should not try and overturn elections and stir up violent mobs” only to get 1.4889% in Iowa and an occasional op-ed in the NYT
“Abortion on demand” first ballot propaganda thingamajig. What else would it be? You have to demand one to get one. Even with an arbitrary waiting period it’s still “on demand”, a cliche that only exist to make abortion seem super glib and slutty
they brought up DeSantis’ biggest donor but didn’t ask him about THE ALIENS
as a co-founder of the Online Eric Adams Disliker Caucus i have to say, and we all must admit, Eric Adams is genuinely funny and being funny is the biggest predictor of electoral success in this country. This is not an irony post, but a warning to his haters (future Adams’ waiters)
Going down the rabbit hole of fascist health influencers and the constant obsession with “haters” is so funny to me. 45yo men obsessed with “haters”, like teenagers, no interrogation as to the moral content of this “hate”, they’re all just jealous and lazy. Psycho breeding farms
EMBRACE YOUR HATERS - Powerful Motivation | David Goggins (2021) EMBRACE YOUR HATERS - Powerful Motivation | David Goggins (2021)👉 David Goggins Motivation PlayList:🔔 SUBSCRIBE for future videos: h...
Absolutely hysterical, some team will 100% be paying Shohei $63M/yr when he’s 44 to be a mascot for the team and hit 12 homeruns a season Albert Pujols-style. I don’t care how much these guys say the long term contract is a thing of the past, my man is getting record breaking midlife mascot money