
look I understand an aversion to things like dog and cat and stuff, but if youre gonna try and make eating goat a taboo, you will simply be laughed out of the entire rest of the world. YOU EAT SHEEP
There is, although I will note that the taboo against eating goats is a peculiarly white American thing, not shared with Europeans, Black Americans or, as far as I know, anyone else. (Canadians?) It's a very strange one.
Most Americans don't eat sheep either. Lamb is a rare luxury here unless you know a sheep farmer. But it IS about race/class and about it being something brown people eat, unfortunately. They're missing out!
I mean you get lamb in basically every meat store in every large city, its sheep right?
For $20 plus a pound if they have it. It might be different in sheep producing regions. It used to be more reasonable before the pandemic, but it's been price gouged into "special occasion" range here.
Where do you live?! I feed leg of lamb every Easter to 30+ people - two legs at 8 pounds each and it's usually about $125.
East coast, in a city. Food isn't cheap here, but lamb chops used to be about $11 a pound, which wasn't too bad. Now, though...
Huh. I'm in LA and they're still about that
So, I looked a couple of things up and found out why. The five leading sheep producing states in the U.S. are Texas, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota and, drumroll... California. You're much closer to a sheep producing area than we are.