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Teacher, writer, story-coach, "sewer socialist"

Big-Five Publishing refugee and failed iconoclast. Sci-Fi, slipstream, and spec is my jam.

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Reposted byAvatar Constantine
Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise
Biden or whothefuckever, the stakes are too high for me to care which Dem I go all in for in November.
'We'll kill you if you try to stop us' is terrorism.
Reposted byAvatar Constantine
All of this is to say that if it’s Biden I’m 1000% on board. Harris, same, my dog, same. Don’t care. Not letting perfect be the enemy of stopping our democracy from turn into a monarchy.
Ok what I really need right now is a no-bullshit, non-hysterical breakdown of our options for Dem president candidate this November. No sense in bed wetting or pointing fingers. What is the precedent. I’m sure somebody smarter than me has written the definitive guide so please link me to it, thx 🙏🏻
Reposted byAvatar Constantine
🎯: “[Trump v. United States] doesn’t change the Constitution any more than a foreign army occupying New England would make Massachusetts no longer part of the United States. That may seem like a jarring analogy. But it’s the only kind that allows us to properly view & react to this Supreme Court.“
Yes, By All Means A TPM Reader wrote in this morning asking if it’s just grasping...
Reposted byAvatar Constantine
Welp, guess I'll have to fucking vote.
I'd also add that "wrong" here is defined by group externalities and not by any particular moral, ethical, or ideological compass.
bringing this here because i've had it
Reposted byAvatar Constantine
The Court ruling today is terrible but expected. I will just gently remind everyone that the election hasn’t happened yet. We shouldn’t assume the worst outcome as a foregone conclusion. That only encourages more apathy than many are already feeling.
Reposted byAvatar Constantine
If a single Republican retains their office after November, we didn't do enough.
Reposted byAvatar Constantine
Boy, those doctors at Walter Reed in October 2020 really failed the Trolley Problem.
Reposted byAvatar Constantine
Now that a president can do anything it's more imperative than ever to elect one who won't.
Remember the pussy hats y'all made so much fun of? Yeah, they had the right idea. Fight, together, angry, resolved, and don't worry if you look ridiculous.
there's nothing wrong with having feelings of despair and futility, but i think it's most responsible to avoid airing all that out in public to the greatest extent possible right now. we need to cultivate a vengeance-driven, enraged espirit de corps right now, because we need people to fight
If a single Republican retains their office after November, we didn't do enough.
Welp, guess I'll have to fucking vote.
Reposted byAvatar Constantine
I really have lost my former tolerance for "we're doomed/fucked/it's all over/they've won" takes at this point, in that they're the most dangerous attitudes one could possibly have when confronted with a truly existential political threat (which we still DO have levers to address).
This fits pretty well with my thinking but I don't know if we're both filled with hopium or logic.
i'm getting so, so tired of the doomerism on here, and the press loves covering shit like a horse race instead of explaining fundamentals and what's at play, a job that seems to fall to on here. so here's a thread about why i'd rather be biden — yes, biden — right now
Is anybody else amused at the citation of an authoritarian who rose from the ashes of a nacent democracy as an authority on what's best for a democracy?
I can’t imagine asserting with unwavering confidence that I knew who was or wasn’t the best candidate against Trump.
❌It was a bright cold day in April and the clock had struck thirteen. ✅The clock was still messed up from Daylight Savings Time in April.
❌The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel. ✅ It was a gray day.
Each of these raw milk morons that gets sick increases the chance of H5N1 becoming an effective human-to-human virus which would, in fact, be very fucking bad. DON'T DRINK RAW MILK.
FDA found infectious H5N1 at relatively high titers in bulk raw milk from 4 states with known infected herds. Pasteurization inactivates H5N1. Do NOT drink raw milk!!!
This jibes almost entirely with how I see this election.
For me the most compelling argument for Biden to withdraw is on substance. You actually don't think he would be good at the job over 4 more years. I find this very compelling! I see no evidence him withdrawing makes it easier for Dems to hold the presidency. Don't fool yourself about this.
Reposted byAvatar Constantine
The correct response to Chevron being overturned is for every single environmental group to start filing millions of lawsuits, right now, today, arguing that various regulatory decisions didn't go far enough. Absolutely flood the zone.
Every time this thing comes around I retake it and every time it gets me all fucked up. Madison? Santa Fucking Rosa?
The thing that unites the chattering class and political reporters against Biden is the same thing that united them against Hillary -- a refusal to take them seriously. They would rather be called an enemy of the people than be ignored.
This is rubbish. They are implying Biden thinks the debate may have destroyed his chance of re-election? Because there is no way he's "talking it over with his family" about running. That decision was made last year.
Behind the Curtain: Biden oligarchy will decide The president engaged in no organized process outside his family in deciding to run for a second term.
What is your favorite black and white movie?
What is your favorite black and white movie?
I think "fits of panic" is a requisite for being a good Dem isn't it?
Even solid dems have been known to have fits of panic.
Ruth Ben-Ghiat: "Trump lied with vigor and so he is the victor. Sign of a degraded democracy. #Strongmen is a chronicle of professional liars who performed beautifully and had a sophisticated sense of stagecraft, just like Trump does now."