
What's frightening is that he absolutely WILL do it. At first he'll encourage his cult to do & give them pardons. You thought Kyle Rittenhouse was bad? Imagine hundreds, if not thousands of him. An army of disgruntled white dudes who spent a shitton of money on guns and ammo they're itching to use
Trump says he's going after "radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country." That kind of rhetoric has preceded every genocide in history. Am I saying Trump is planning a genocide? No. But don't be surprised when the brownshirt violence starts.
Trump Takes Veterans Day Speech in a Very Different The former president said that threats from abroad were less concerning than liberal “threats from within” and that he was a “very proud election denier.”
Once that fence is tested, he'll empower law enforcement, which in this country are already standing armies w.the equipment to match. Now we've got militias sniping us out if we protest, and law enforcement to kill whoever they don't get, or arrest so they can populate our for-profit prison system
And yet there are people on this very site that say they will not vote for Biden when he's the only other viable candidate. I absolutely hate this timeline.
I get their frustration, I do, but it's the problem w/the left is that it's such a big umbrella, whereas the right are united in 1 thing: hating us. Doesnt matter that theyll damn themselves into an apocalyptic hell to do it as long as they "win" over us they'll gladly burn the country to the ground
And this is the sad and tragic truth about our current moment in history.