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Political junkie, history, pop culture & science fiction geek. Left handed, cisgender, lesbian feminist, social justice activist & educator. She/Her
I saw a cybertruck out in the wild just before I was about to turn into my apartment complex in Chicago last night. It's as ugly as you think it is.
Biden needs to go Dark Brandon on the six right-wing SCOTUS justices and by that I mean invalidate their rulings and remove them from the bench via executive order. Use the fact that they committed unconstitutional acts for over 20 years with their right-wing rulings.
Olivia Nuzzi is getting roasted over on twitter. People are also calling out Jane Mayer and E. Jean Carroll for caping for Olivia. I seriously don't give a fuck about prominent people anymore. They are all compromised in one way or another.
FYI- from Shannon Watts on twitter. Masked white supremacists carried flags with swastikas on them as they marched through Nashville and chanted "Deportation saves the nation" and "Sieg Heil” today.
Even though he already said he wouldn't Joe Biden should pardon Hunter.
Reposted byAvatar maraleia
The crypto billionaire who backed Dean Phillips is the best quote from a nervous donor they could find?!
whelp, guess the big interview didn't give them what they wanted since the goalposts have now moved to "can he win over crypto investors with inexplicable politics"
One more thing before I bid all of you goodbye for the rest of the day, I just need to be spanked for a very long time until I'm sobbing to release all this pent up anxiety and depression I've been bottling up due to our political nightmare and I have no one to do this for me. Sighs.
I'm taking one of my best friends to a play at College of DuPage for a belated birthday present today. She's not up on politics the way I am and to be honest, if she doesn't ask me any questions about it (she's going to vote for the Dems) I'm going to refrain from talking about it. I need a break.
Real talk- I've had a head cold for a month now and I wouldn't have been able to do that debate with Donald in my condition that night. My focus has been terrible for most days since my cold flared up. I'm 53.
The sooner the American public who cares about our democracy declares war against the right-wing SCOTUS justices and all of Donald's federal judiciary appointees the better off we will be.
Reposted byAvatar maraleia
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
I bet this person doesn't even live in the US.
Reposted byAvatar maraleia
The GOP’s nominee to run the 9th most populous state just called for killing people who disagree with the far-right and that sentiment was echoed by the head of Heritage and the man behind Project 2025. But like 90% of all political news is about Democratic hand-wringing over Biden’s debate flop.
Hey are you of the same mind as me that Karine Jean-Pierre sucks at her job, see also the rest of the WH comms team?
Avatar the White House still hasn't answered for this anti-trans bullshit statement even after Biden's longtime friend Delaware State Senator Sarah McBride (set to become the first trans member of the House of Reps) called him out on it on twitter
White House says it opposes gender-affirming surgery for The administration’s message expands on a response to The New York Times and Fox News. It also stands at odds with Biden’s prior broad support for gender-affirming care.
My problem with Biden is he refuses to fight back against this lawless right-wing Supreme Court. They have eviscerate the US Constitution and need to be arrested, jailed, stripped of their roles and all of their rulings rendered illegal.
This person won't let me reply to his diatribe now. Coward.
Alejandra Caraballo is on twitter doing the MAGAt GOP's work for them. She's a fucking traitor to the entire political left.
Again I slept for like 3 or 4 hours and woke up a little while ago. I hate this so very much.
The fireworks will not fucking stop. I hate this holiday to my very core.
Reposted byAvatar maraleia
To recent Washington Post subscribers. There is a disinformation campaign taking place in its comments sections. There are numerous people starting the will not/cannot support Joe Biden. Check the Member since date. Most of these commenters have July 2017 join dates.
And now I hear the firefighters sirens in the distance. Of course this happened. Fucking fireworks.
I want these goddamn fireworks to stop a few blocks away from me in Chicago. Our sanctioned fireworks for the holiday happened yesterday. This has been going on for over an hour. I'm sick of it.
Andrew Weismann has lost his fucking mind. He had the audacity to suggest a Kamala Harris/Liz Cheney ticket. Like get a goddamn clue you privileged white cishet rich asshole.
Biden looks fine watching the fireworks from the White House tonight.
I think I'm having hot flashes today. Ugh.
Reposted byAvatar maraleia
Jessica is right. I'm reading the section on the DOI, which goes all in on trump-era land exploitation and rolls back everything Biden did (adios, Bears Ears). It destroys utterly the work of the first Indigenous Sec of the Interior in colonizer history and the Native-led #LandBack movement. Resist!
No one has written about this (I will) but Project 2025 will destroy federal lands as we know it as well as any progress towards recognizing Native peoples.
Everything about Project 2025 is revolting.
It claims Native nations are harmed by not being able to drill, baby, drill; it reams and dams water in the west and hollows out California and Oregon's natural resources as well, but I can't read any more of this or I'm going to puke.
Today, Biden talking without a prompter
This is what I posted on twitter to alert spanking porn performers. Trying to do my part to alert people about the vile and dangerous Project 2025.
35 percent of the reason why I'm online is because I love spanking porn so the MAGA GOP can get fucked with their Project 2025 Christofascist bullshit.