Akerbeltz / Mìcheal an Fhaclair / LowRisingTone

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Akerbeltz / Mìcheal an Fhaclair / LowRisingTone


Passionate about equality & equity – Yes2 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇺🏳️‍🌈, more than ever. https://www.faclair.com ⚜️ http://www.samseuit.com ⚜️ http://www.polcan-faing.com ⚜️ http://www.akerbeltz.org
🐈 Gàidhlig 🍰 Deutsch 🗺️ Euskara 📚 English 🦐 粵語 🌺
“What's happened in the years since then is that the Chinese Communist Party, who've made it clear no one can trust them further than you can spit, … trashed a treaty which had been lodged at the United Nations." www.rfa.org/english/news...
Feumaidh gaol a bhith agad air cànan aig a bheil gnìomhair taiceil cho toinnte 's gum feum a mhìneachadh cha mhòr uiread a leabhraichean' s a dh'fheumas am faclair eachdraidheil 😜😝🥰 #euskara
That's a lot of fucking cops for a food fair.... 😑 Almost like there should be something going on there... 🤔 HK police acting as a reminder of 8964 & the many vigils that took place over 31 years at Victoria park Hong Kong all on their own. hongkongfp.com/2024/06/04/i...
Gach turas a gheibh iad lorg air beathach d' a leithid, tha e a' fàs nas soilleire carson a tha Linn nan Aisling aig na Tùsanaich agus mìle creutair annasach sna sgeulachdan aca - teans mòr gum faca an cuid shinnsirean iad le an sùilean fhèin!! www.bbc.co.uk/news/article... 🙈
Skull of prehistoric 'giant goose' discovered in Australiawww.bbc.co.uk The fossilised skull of a now extinct flightless bird is a “stunningly rare find”, researchers say.
Braw day oot in the Wee Red Toun #Kirriemuir speakin tae fowk tae mak sure they're ready tae get oot and vote #GeneralElection24 #RegisterToVote #PostalVote #VoterID #BelieveInScotland More information here: www.gov.uk/register-to-...
Aig Taisbeantas Fhlùraichean Chelsea an-diugh, pailteas flùraichean 🪻🪴
Chaidh sinn gan lorg ann am Pàirc Victoria bhliadhnaichean air ais ach cha robh sgeul orra. Chaidh a Phàirc Dawsholm an-diugh - gun chamara iomchaidh sam bith - is dè chunnaic sinn gun fhiosta na h-eòin ud. Seo dhuibh paracaitean fàinn-mhuinealach na h-Alba
Lá Fhéile Naomh Bréanainn atá ann inniu (16 Bealtaine). Oiriúnach go leor, chaith mé an lá ag déanamh ceartúchán eagarthóireachta ag an nóiméad déireanach ar an eagrán Béarla nua de Nauigatio Sancti Brendani, a fhoilseofar ag DIAS níos déireanaí i mbliana.
A-rèir coltais, is urrainnear bonnaich Chuimreach a dhèanamh air greideal air stòbha gas #IochdAirn-Achd #PiceBach
Tagairt dúbailte do thionscadal OG(H)AM san @irishtimes.bsky.social inniu, maidir le Bambie Thug agus leis an gcloch oghaim iniompartha ó Chobhantraí: www.irishtimes.com/ireland/2024... Go raibh míle maith ag Karl McDonald! Tá an tionscadal OG(H)AM maoinithe ag IRC (PnÉ) ⁊ AHRC (RA).
Bambie Thug impresses the scholars with Ogham messagingwww.irishtimes.com Ireland’s Eurovision entrant gets top marks for using ancient alphabet correctly
Le gaol à Alba dhan Roinn Eòrpa. Ma tha bhòt agaibh, cleachdaibh e ach an cumamaid sìos luchd an uilc, clann an ànraidh on taobh deas 🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
A pox on all your rotten Brexiteer and non-voter houses. This is the new normal trying to send 5 copies of Pippi Longstocking to Sweden 🤬
Don't forget to vote today. A lot is at stake. And, to thwart the blatant Conservative attempt to rig elections, remember to bring photo ID - if you have it.
Hunter Biden finally decided to hit back at Fox and will be suing the network “imminently” for defamation. What will he focus on, and is this going to hurt or help politically? My discussion and analysis in today’s piece. open.substack.com/pub/statusku...
Hunter Biden Strikes Backopen.substack.com The president’s son has launched an aggressive move to sue Fox for defamation. Finally.
The Unicode Standard is perfectly correct to specify that ogham text *should* be rendered left-to-right, but that does not mean you cannot override the default directionality of ogham text using bidirectional control characters, with a font that supports OpenType rtla and rtlm features.
ᚏ + ᚋ = ᚏᚋ can be solved at the font level with the use of ZWJ to ligate ᚏ and ᚋ
I think there is a good case for encoding a few additional ogham letters peculiar to Scottish inscriptions, but I think most or all of the issues raised in the blog post can be solved at the font level.
So we've used up the slots for proto-N, (E/M/L) old N, (E/M/L)middle N, (Early) modern N ... are we going to re-name modern Ns when they're no longer modern or what? As was? Or do we leave modern N to become distinctly non-modern and pick something else for the current N? #askingforafriend #langsky
An aimsir ùr againn, b' e "an dòchas gun stad an t-uisge greiseag, dìreach greiseag" ar n-ùrnaigh gu ruige DiDòmhnaich seo chaidh. O seo a-mach gu toiseach na Dàmhair, 's e "an dòchas gum faigh sinn meall uisge, dìreach meall beag" 🌧️🏜️🌧️🏜️...
Ràinig na bleigeardan molach beaga seo cha mhòr àite sam bith, nach do ràinig? 😜 #fealladhà
What a clever idea.
Tha Caisteal Dirleton ann an Lodainn an Ear gu math inntinneach, a' gabhail a-staigh taigh nan calman, ge b' oil leam na creutairean grànda san fharsaingeachd 🙈