
New on the OG(H)AM website. Fascinating monthly blog by about the "Future of Digital Ogam": how can Unicode update its ogham block to facilitate its usage for research about the script? What can we learn from hieroglyphs for ogham?
1/2 Mmmm the combining diacritics though, that's not down to Unicode, that's a font rendering issue i.e. Unicode (AFAIK) provides the code points but that doesn't automatically mean that it'll look pretty in a given font. Navajo is a good example, you get characters like ą́
I think there is a good case for encoding a few additional ogham letters peculiar to Scottish inscriptions, but I think most or all of the issues raised in the blog post can be solved at the font level.
ᚏ + ᚋ = ᚏᚋ can be solved at the font level with the use of ZWJ to ligate ᚏ and ᚋ
The Unicode Standard is perfectly correct to specify that ogham text *should* be rendered left-to-right, but that does not mean you cannot override the default directionality of ogham text using bidirectional control characters, with a font that supports OpenType rtla and rtlm features.