
So on CNN, they are discussing the moral quandary of hiring Ronna McDaniel at NBC News... with CNN Contributor Hugh Hewitt.
Here's the weird thing. Every other discussion I've seen has just been people agreeing hiring Ms McDaniel is terrible. Hugh is of course defending her. So it's actually more interesting. Everything he says is tendentious nonsense, but at least it's an argument.
For a flavor of his defense: Yes, Ronna McDaniel has been accused of lying about the 2020 election. But Jen Psaki was accused (as WH spokeswoman) of lying about the Afghanistan withdrawal, so even-steven.
A few days ago, I was chatting about one of my favorite novels, "The Source" by James Michener. One of the many things I remember from that book is an entertainer in the marketplace, who argues any position you suggest, including the opposite of what he just said. He was called a "sophist."
I had a first-person experience of this in an undergrad class (w/ a professor with whom I recently renewed contact, coincidentally); I could argue any side of any argument, till I realised one morning that I didn't have any principles. Uh-oh. I believe (have dedicated my life) in higher education.