
So on CNN, they are discussing the moral quandary of hiring Ronna McDaniel at NBC News... with CNN Contributor Hugh Hewitt.
Here's the weird thing. Every other discussion I've seen has just been people agreeing hiring Ms McDaniel is terrible. Hugh is of course defending her. So it's actually more interesting. Everything he says is tendentious nonsense, but at least it's an argument.
For a flavor of his defense: Yes, Ronna McDaniel has been accused of lying about the 2020 election. But Jen Psaki was accused (as WH spokeswoman) of lying about the Afghanistan withdrawal, so even-steven.
A few days ago, I was chatting about one of my favorite novels, "The Source" by James Michener. One of the many things I remember from that book is an entertainer in the marketplace, who argues any position you suggest, including the opposite of what he just said. He was called a "sophist."
I read that book like 30 yrs ago but remember that scene! Think about it every time I meet that type 😅
This is also pretty close to Harry Frankfurt's definition of a Bullshitter.
I had a first-person experience of this in an undergrad class (w/ a professor with whom I recently renewed contact, coincidentally); I could argue any side of any argument, till I realised one morning that I didn't have any principles. Uh-oh. I believe (have dedicated my life) in higher education.
I read The Source in high school, and I do not remember that scene, nor any others.
History will prove him right – eventually it will be revealed that we never left Afghanistan and were just crouching the entire time behind large rocks. Waiting. Equivalency PROVEN
Don’t go there, bro. False Equivalenceland is almost always fatal.
During the Clinton impeachment I remember one GOP congressman being interviewed on NPR arguing that Nixon lying about invading Cambodia was okay because he didn't tell that lie under oath.
Say what you want about Hugh Hewitt, at least he's tendentious nonsense.
I must note you that your observation here is not entirely unrelated to the thinking that brought us to this pass in the first place
Hugh is tedious nonsense personified. He exists solely to be a happy contrarian.
Hugh is embarrassing. Like, as a writer he makes me cringe as if I can't trust he won't make a pratfall *in this writing*. As you know from your years in broadcast, that's practically zen.
NBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, have been Vichy France for the Deutschmarks since 1/6/2021
["say what you want, but at least it's an ethos" gif]