
Just yesterday I recorded an incredible conversation with the archivist from Ford, formerly of Coca-Cola, about the history of fueling infrastructure in this country and let me just say... when you listen to that conversation, you'll understand why we haven't cracked the code on EV charging yet.
There are two camps here: One understands what basic-ass AC charging can do and that overnight charging takes care of all local needs full stop. That's me, wishing we focused on this. The other imagines EVs getting used like ICE vehicles, and pulls the trigger assuming this makes sense.
even semi-local. i live in ann arbor and regular trips to detroit and back wouldn't be a big deal with an EV. we're talking ~100mi round trip even the drive to catch the total solar eclipse in ohio would've been doable with an EV - no need to even bother finding charging stations along the route
maybe trickle charge would be a concern after driving home from the solar eclipse - stay to local errands the following day or two - but a lot of people would be surprised if they sat down, pushed through that instinctual anxiety, and crunched the numbers.
I assume by trickle charge, you mean 120v charging at home. Yeah, that's going to be a few days to get back to a comfortable level but pretty much any 240v L2 charger can get you back to 80-100% within 12 hours.
I do just enough day trips that are 150-200 miles each way in the forests that I can't see giving up my ICE. When we decide to add a second car to our household, it will be an EV though.