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Male Squirrel in the Maine Wilderness. Evil Author is male, straight, and taken. You can read his long form posts on
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National Organization for the Advance of Acronyms. :)
*sigh* Advancement Typed too quickly
Reposted byAvatar Aldin
Reposted byAvatar Aldin
I got a DM asking which of the donation links helps the best. They all help. CashApp and Venmo, I have debit cards, so I can utilize them immediately. Kofi-Paypal I can as well, Kofi-Other takes 3-4 days. GFM takes about 4-5 days. Note: We have Cali-Fresh, (foodstamps) so the kids Are Fed.
Those Maine Furs ( going to the Brewer bowl meet tomorrow (7/13) have a good time! If you're not going but find yourself near Union, come see me at the Fair. $25 to get in (ouch), but it covers all the rides too. Find this geezah squirrel in the museum. No, I'm not on display.
One more shift then vacation. Sat/Sun volunteering at the Union Fair in the Matthews Museum. Maine peeps come visit me! $25 to get in (ouch), but it includes unlimited rides. Alas with the current temp forecast I'm going to look like this most of the week. (sigh) But no work phones/emails!!!!
Though if weather permits a little, I'll do some fishing day trips. (art by
I'm not a fan, so I have no idea. I know there are certain cons further midwest with attendees who love Mallo Cups, but no idea how they are liked or not locally.
Agreed. I'm scared for our country come November regardless of which way the election goes. Either we're F-d with a dictatorship or we're F-d with Civil War II and like all sequels, it'll suck worse than the original. Mainers with knives (20th Maine at Gettysburg) can't save the republic this time.
And, alas, Biden it too much of a "gentleman" to grab hold of the power the Supreme Court has handed him. My thoughts on that on my other blog without word limits:
And that's more politics than I like to post on one of my furry accounts. I'm going back to being a squirrel on the net now, which alas I can't be in RL.
Reposted byAvatar Aldin
Did you lose something while at #Anthrocon2024? Our team is going through the remaining Lost & Found that was turned in to Con Ops during the convention. Please email [email protected] with a detailed description of what you lost, and any supporting evidence it's yours!
Our local mill rate is $22.96 up a buck from the previous year and it'll probably go up again in the fall.
Wow, but that attendance figure doesn't surprise me with the reported lines at "line con" on Thurs. I had jotted down a guess of 18K and I wasn't too far off.
📈 An absolutely RECORD-BREAKING year! #Anthrocon2024 🤯 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 🐾 Attendance: 17,639 🐶💰 Charity Donation: Over $100,000 (by attendees)! 🚶😺 Fursuit Parade: 3371 🖼️ Covered sticker boards and 6 foot pizza boxes: ✅ See you next year on July 3-6, 2025 for "Deep Sea Adventures"!
Nice firework pic!
Day one of Union (ME) Fair is in the books. I spent a little time in the school house providing a break to staff there and look at one of our new donations! A FURRY Math book from 1948.
One more pic to add.
Reposted byAvatar Aldin
HEY If you're sharing nsfw artwork or imagery PLEASE click the shield and self-label your post appropriately. This allows everyone else the choice of what they see on this site AND it's very low effort and easy to tag your uploads. PLEASE DO IT. #BskyTips #BeCourteous
Last minute happens sometimes.
Reposted byAvatar Aldin
With a proper beverage, of course. Though you should have convinced your carpool to detour into Catawissa on the way to AC and buy some proper sugar-cane glass bottle Moxie from Catawissa Bottling Company instead of the HFCS stuff Coke puts out. Maybe you could detour on the trip home.
I'm not on telegram. I barely have time to peak in here and Xitter. Alas, most @Mainefur events are planned/announced on Telegram. Just now learned of events today (other plans in place already) and next weekend (Union Fair volunteer) I can't make. Oh well, I hope both have good turnouts.
*squeaks as he's squashed under the giant-to-him otter*
Then maybe you need to get to an optometrist and update your script glasses, Whitepaw. };3
Avatar on Xitter (account here isn't active but tagged) posted the other day he has the Fender suit and was going to go around in it at AC.
May you have a wonderful b-day!!!
Reposted byAvatar Aldin