Alex Dukalskis

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Alex Dukalskis

Politics & IR, University College Dublin

Authoritarian states, human rights

Director, UCD Centre for Asia-Pacific Research

Assoc. Editor

Academic Freedom Officer, Political Studies Association of Ireland
Big stuff happening in the British election as the Monster Raving Looney Party continues to outpoll the Christian People’s Alliance.
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Another angle on Tank Man, just before the confrontation. The photographer, Terril Jones, didn't realise what he'd captured till weeks later.
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The other classic June 5 tanks photo, by AP's Liu Heung Shing:
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Avatar and I had the pleasure talking to about our new paper on dictators and their contracting of Western PR firms. The exchange is part of the podcast series by the Human Rights Foundation. Check it out!
‎Dissidents and Dictators: Whitewashing Dictators on Apple ‎Show Dissidents and Dictators, Ep Whitewashing Dictators - May 30, 2024
Overreach: How China Derailed Its Peaceful Rise by Susan L. Shirk via Oxford University Press (2022) #SpringReading
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An analysis by University of Michigan researchers of more than 30 million grading records from U-M finds students with alphabetically lower-ranked names receive lower grades. This is due to sequential grading biases and the default order of students' submissions in Canvas. #AcademicSky #EduSky #Bias
Researchers find lower grades given to students with surnames that come later in alphabetical Knowing your ABCs is essential to academic success, but having a last name starting with A, B or C might also help make the grade.
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Which dictatorships hire Public Relations (PR) firms, under what conditions, and with what effects? Christian Gläßel,, and I offer first answers with data on 7k contracts between autocracies and US-based PR firms (1945–2022).
The separate hot and cold water taps of the tech world: only downsides, no advantages.
Seriously, what is the non-fraud use case for this technology? Is there a single thing this could be used for that's good? It would have to be extremely good and important because the main thing it's going to do is enable industrial scale fraud
I really like dogs. It’s some of their owners I’m not too wild about.
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My piece 👇 Despite the presence of NSL, Beijing felt the need to embed another layer of control. More than anything, Article 23 shows how insecure the CCP regime is, how fearful it feels about the true sentiment of the people: their undying yearning for democracy.
The Latest Security Legislation in Hong Kong Betrays Beijing’s Despite the presence of the “omnipotent” NSL, China felt the need to embed another layer of control in the territory.
Well we have a winner! shoot me an email with where you want the copy posted and I’ll send it out in the next few days.
My 2021 book Making the World Safe for Dictatorship is now published as a paperback w/ Oxford University Press. To celebrate I will put everyone who reposts this before March 21 into a random drawing & send the winner a free copy anywhere they happen to be in the world. polisky dictatorsky
One more day to be in with a chance to win a free book. booksky
My 2021 book Making the World Safe for Dictatorship is now published as a paperback w/ Oxford University Press. To celebrate I will put everyone who reposts this before March 21 into a random drawing & send the winner a free copy anywhere they happen to be in the world. polisky dictatorsky
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My 2021 book Making the World Safe for Dictatorship is now published as a paperback w/ Oxford University Press. To celebrate I will put everyone who reposts this before March 21 into a random drawing & send the winner a free copy anywhere they happen to be in the world. polisky dictatorsky
My 2021 book Making the World Safe for Dictatorship is now published as a paperback w/ Oxford University Press. To celebrate I will put everyone who reposts this before March 21 into a random drawing & send the winner a free copy anywhere they happen to be in the world. polisky dictatorsky
I dunno but it doesn’t really seem like this thing deserves above-the-fold-live-analysis-breaking-news-holy-shit-this-is-huge coverage.
Calling it now at 7:45 am on Irish referendum voting day after casting my ballot: gonna be low turnout and I think that means the “no” folks might do better than generally assumed. (this is not a normative statement btw).
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🚨The March 2024 Issue of Communist and Post-Communist Studies is now online!🚨 "Eurasian Continuities: Historical Legacies in the Post-Communist World--Ideologies, Practices, or Social Constructions?" Guest edited by Alexander Libman and Anastassia Obydenkova