
An analysis by University of Michigan researchers of more than 30 million grading records from U-M finds students with alphabetically lower-ranked names receive lower grades. This is due to sequential grading biases and the default order of students' submissions in Canvas. #AcademicSky #EduSky #Bias
Researchers find lower grades given to students with surnames that come later in alphabetical Knowing your ABCs is essential to academic success, but having a last name starting with A, B or C might also help make the grade.
I set the LMS to show me submissions ordered by date/time, not name. That way all the missing assignments are grouped together at the end so I get the quickest grades at the end of the batch. But I guess it's also a way around Name Bias, which has plenty of research showing it is a real thing
Did they have a policy to mark this way? I always shuffled the pile. And also spot checked some earlier graded papers at the end to check for this. But then i never marked more than one class/exam at a time.
People grading in LMS will tend to go top to bottom and the default sort is alpha order.
Honestly why are names even on there? Randomly assign an ID to each paper every time so its randomised each time. Names lead to biases anyway and are not needed to mark work thats digital!
Even if names aren't displayed the LMS might still be sorting by surname when it gets the records out of the database. Our students are not sequentially numbered by name, so sorting by surname but then showing only the Student ID would appear randomised even when that's not the case
With TVP (originally TV) as initials, I’m glad I survived!!
Back in the day of physical paper assignments, I sometimes returned them in reverse alpha order. It really freaked them out.
Props to the insightful parents of famous Finnish designer Alvar Aalto, who clearly knew what they were doing.
I'm sure there is an edTech around the corner claiming to solve this grading hassle for you and get rid of name biases. While doing more bias work in there, too
Sequential grading bias = markers increasing frustration? Or tiredness from having to mark on top of other workload?